Sunday 23 October 2005

Back to finer things of life.

HK lacks some black stitches from it's edges, but otherwise we're on the winning side.

And I think I know what I'll do for 'Ornament Exchange' and on what I'll do it. White 28 count (if I recall right) Jobelan, some blue floss, some white metal to replace blending filament, some beads... and blackwork pattern (freebie, 'of course') by Kristine Herber. It'll be smallish, but it's supposed to be an ornament and in my opinion ornaments aren't big.

In fact I got this idea while I was looking that scissor fob I received few days back from Lillie. Though that idea is still in hard-copy phase, but it's developing all the time - and I'm quite sure that it'll be ready when I'm done with that ornie.

Anyway, it depends highly on how those beads will look like how ornie will end up to be. My intention is to make tassel of a kind from those beads below actual ornament part. Only uncertainty factor is size of those beads, as they're bit bigger than "regular" beads.

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