Tuesday 2 October 2007

Virtual RR#1

Sometimes you get the best of ideas when you are in fever delirium... like this one:
"Solarium Sublime's Virtual RR!
Brought to you by the brainstorm of Succubus. (Editor's note: Which is me, as many of you know.)

Many stitchers have been hesitant to participate in RRs due to concerns about many issues- ranging from the piece disappearing (mail service, participants quitting, etc) to objections over quality of stitching or the themes/designs chosen.

The solution - a Virtual Round Robin!

  • You pick the theme. (Your theme could be, for example TW corner motifs/ borders/ etc., Châtelaine borders/tiles/etc. or something along such lines)
  • You introduce your theme and list of acceptable designs (most likely ones you already have, or seek an excuse to purchase ;) ) It is best if they come from the same designer, or have a similar style, though blending 2 or 3 is possible.
  • Every two months or so, the next person in the RR will choose the next part for you. The moderators will be assigning the RR participant rotation order when the sign-up period closes.
If this sounds like fun, sign up in the current Virtual RR, and then post a new topic on that board introducing your theme, stitching parameters, motifs and so on.

Welcome, and Enjoy!

If you have any questions, please ask.

The thread.

Solarium Sublime has a focus on artisanry in needlework and may sound that we are bunch of toffee noses, but we aren't. Really.
If you strive to improve your skills and have a knack for analyzing your art pop by, read this thread and join the fun.

We are no many yet, but I can say that we have a cozy atmosphere at Solarium, the coffee is always hot, comfy chairs are really cozy and the discussion is great. ^^

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