Well, I went crazy while browsing my oh-so-small (
Let me introduce you Amy Adamses Flashes of Gold (Cross Stitch Collection, issue 134).
(As usual click for a better view.)
My choice is only one design, but I will divide the thing to nine parts, each part will be approximately 93 x 66 stitches (I will provide "pieced" and numbered image later).
Because this design uses Anchor colours (I'm too lazy to do the conversion ) and Kreiniks I can't start before middle of November because I need to get my finances back to even some kind of balance before stash shopping.
I also need to buy some dye and dye the fabric for this. (I may have enough white Jobelan, but not suitable dye... )
And yes, I do know that those black spots look a bit odd, but kois are like that.
(Cross posted to Solarium Sublime.)
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