Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Really, what is the point?

Lately there has been ugly things going on in the Blogland, people are being abused.

The Great Reasoned Reason seems to be just the fact that someone doesn't like the person someone is. That we all can understand, but to choose to abuse the person just because YOU don't like them? Send nasty emails to them and leave ugly comments to another person's blog just because YOU don't like them.

If one doesn't like the person WHY would one bother to do all that? Wouldn't it be easy just to forget that the person exists as no one really does not force anyone else to read someone's blog (or forum posts, as most forums have the ignore feature)?

Let's face it people: if you flame someone in public forum like in a blog, whether it is yours, your neighbours or Mickey Mouse's, it is a libel and that is, in MANY countries, an offence. That means a very bad thing - and probably those people get even more reasons to abuse the person they have chosen from the fact that most people want to, rightfully, write a defensive entry, maybe even invite the abuser to an open communication.
Abusing people, either verbally or physically, is also against the unwritten and written moral and social codes.

People, even you spend time in virtual world it does not mean that your words won't hurt, it does not mean that the etiquette is unnecessary and you don't need to behave.
Some of the abusers would probably get into Grow up you twit! phase at this point, but I'd like to suggest the same: we are adults, we are NOT in the high school and this is NOT a popularity game. Or maybe it is one for the abuser and they want their supporters to cheer in the background, just to have someone to tell how great they are.

But is it really that great to mock people when you could easily ignore them? Is it worth it to mock people in general? Really.

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