Tuesday, 23 October 2007


Morning notes:
So fun. Not.
I'm having the worst asthma attack ever. Bad enough for me to get an emergency appointment with doctor another than my favourite... but breathing is so much fun, you know, at least opposed to wheezing (this is first time I wheeze. I didn't wheeze even when I wasn't on the meds..).

Evening notes:
I ended up in local hospital's follow-up room for seven hours. I also got to know the joys of being dizzy enough to be taken to thorax X-Ray with a wheelchair and having laborant to visit your bed because you are not fit enough to go to the laboratory...

  1. I wheezed when breathing in, opposed to breathing out which is, based on the GP's opinion, The Right Way™ with asthma attacks.
  2. I hyperventilated when I got to the GP (tachycardia and 100% of oxygen in my blood) - based on the GP asthmatics shouldn't be able to hyperventilate... and anyway I looked WAY too healty and sane to hyperventilate. (Sounds soothing, doesn't it?)
  3. Which lead him to get a bit afraid and he sent me to hospital for tests and check-up...
  4. Which confused the GP even more was that my peak flow was 550, which is WAY good for an asthmatic person (my all time best is 620), but it also means that my asthma medication is working...
  5. All my tests came out clear: no growths or shadows in my thorax, no infections... my blood acids and alcaloids were a bit out of whack, but that is most likely caused by the hyperventilation.
The result is that I either had an asthma attack with hyperventilation or just an occult asthma attack.

But, I got tomorrow off. Doctor's orders are: Relax and that is what I am going to do... stitch!

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