Monday 19 June 2006

Sawaddi ka


So, as you may have deduced to this point, I'm still alive.

Flights went relatively well, both were delayed, first one because the plane came late from Amsterdam and second one because we had some technical difficulties when leaving.
Anyhow, I arrived to Bangkok International Airport only ten minutes late - and stood over an hour in immigration waiting for my turn. For some odd reason they let me pass fast compared to most people who passed those desks.

I also found Wolfie from middle of that mass of humans. It took some time though...

Past ~three days I've been running around Bangkok with him (and friend of his and his SO), so I have been too tired to update (part of it may be jet lag. I feel being in my brains today for the first time). And we had to reinstall my laptop about gazillion times before it wanted to work.
It's possible that this trip wont turn out as it was 'meant', but time will tell - at the moment we're just enjoying company of eachothers.

But now, I think I'll get back to bed for a while. I woke up when Wolfie's cell alarm went on (actually I woke up when he woke up, but dozed off again for a while). I wasn't tired when I woke up, but now, after he left for work I'm getting sleepy again.

More to come. I think I should blog about my adventures in Demon testing. *grin* In other words: how severely allergic person survives in Bangkok.(Spoiler: very well actually. Wolfie is worried of my well-being (actually even more worried than I am), and he speaks some thai... What else you need?)

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