Tuesday 20 June 2006

How's My Inner Child? With Monday Madness

Snatched from Jenna:

    Your Inner Child Is Sad

    You're a very sensitive soul.

    You haven't grown that thick skin that most adults have.
    Easily hurt, you tend to retreat to your comfort zone.

    You don't let many people in - unless you've trusted them for a long time.

    How Is Your Inner Child?

    Cross posted to Testing, testing...

Monday Madness

This week's questions come from Tricia

  1. How many cop shows can you name?
    Depends on the definition: Hill Street Blues (When I was young...), C.S.I., Cops... Old ones as I don't watch TV nowadays.

  2. Do you send text messages?
    Yes, I do. During last three months I've sent loads of them, all to one person.
    I like SMSs. They let you think what you're saying, they let receiver the peace not to answer right away, and they're cheap.

  3. If you could be on a gameshow (current or old), which one would you be on and why?
    I'll skip this one.

  4. What are some of your favorite websites?
    Hmm... few forums, Bloglines, RedHotPawn, Wikipedia - just to name few.

  5. What are your favorite things about the internet?
    Possibility to communicate with people near and far - no matter where I locate.
    If you've skill of filtering the bs it's wonderful source of knowledge.

  6. What about least favorite?
    Visa hunters, grammatically challenged, intellectually challenged (lack of knowledge is not bad thing, it's repairable, but ignorace makes me annoyed), stereotype worshippers...

  7. What are some good ways to deal with a pet loss?
    I've to admit that this one is surprising added with previous questions... Time heals. Crying is good thing.

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