Tuesday 27 June 2006

mondaysabitch; It's Called a Break-Up

It's Called a Break-Up Because It's Broken

In the following questions, "break-up" can refer to either the end of a romantic relationship, or of a close friendship.

  1. After a hard break-up, do you tend to hold on to photos and otherthings that remind you of the past relationship, or do you destroy all mementos as a sort of coping experience?
    I'm sentimental little thing so I prefer to keep the mementos, were they just emails (actually I don't understand my need to store emails, because I can't read them anyway, or have any need) or little things I've gotten from person in question.
    I believe in learning from past, and if I destroy my history I can't learn anything because I allow myself to fell in soothing ignorance of forgetting.
    And destroying mementos would also mean slaughtering my blog, and that's something I wont do.

  2. After a horrible break-up, wherein you feel someone's done you wrong, do you tend to let it slide and move on, or search out some revenge? Any stories you'd care to share?
    Every break-up is horrible in it's own way, even more if I'm the one who's left behind - which is usually the case.
    I don't believe in revenge, even when someone hurts me. I believe they do things they see necessary, and there's always possibility for remorse on their side. Actually every single ex I've has wanted to come back sooner or later. And I've never allowed any of them to return into my life as a lover.
    So, in certain sense you'd say that it's my revenge not to get together again with exes - though I don't swear it'd never happen.
    Never say never, and it actually was almost close call in certain phase of my life...

  3. Have you ever broken up with someone, only to wind up dating them again, or becoming friends with them again? Did this happen because one of you or something about the relationship changed? Or were you not meant to break-up in the first place?
    Love wise I've left only two, friendship wise I've left only one, so I can't say anything out of experience (as I said, I'm usually the one who's left behind). Anyhow, my answer is no. I believe in friendship after relationship (I almost believe in relationship re-runs if reason is good enough), but I don't believe in friendship after friendship, if you get my point.
    I never let break-ups just happen, I try to solve clashes when they arise, but if I'm only one who sees it or has any willingness to solve the issue... what can you do? After some time you just have to let it go.

  4. Do you take the time to learn from your mistakes in different relationships and friendships after they end, or do you move on as fast as possible?
    Both. I go on as fast as possible, as I owe it to myself. I don't believe in moarning. And I do believe that I'm able to deal with my past separately from present - though I admit that I've scars in my soul which affect to my behaviour sometimes, but I know they're there and I know when they do it so I can tell about it to another party.
    And in my opinion, adults come with mental baggage. That's how we mature to adulthood.

  5. In your opinion, is trying to stay friends with a former romantic partner after a break-up a good idea or a bad idea?
    It depends on a relationship, but I prefer to stay as a friend with person I've been involved with. If I've loved someone one can't be all bad, even love failed.
    So, it's generally a good idea.

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