Saturday 5 May 2007

Like I didn't have enough things to do already...

I have been asked would I be interested to take part to a book project, and I have given preliminary promise to be one of the writers.
It will never be a best seller, but I see it as a possibility to affect opinions and, do what I have always wanted to do, be a publishing writer.
It would also be a good possibility to practise my writing style.


I have been practising my French knots (-> best tutorial ever <-) and realised that silk may not be the best choice of fiber when doing it. I have also been wondering how it is possible to fell in love with your own design?
It is partially due choice of floss, as Atalie's Lhassa is simply beautiful when stitched, but partially it is about the design being just so... me, but so unlike me.
Nevertheless, it's beautiful.


Her Highness has been very co-operative: she didn't kill me when I gave her her antibiotics last night and this morning she took her painkillers nicely. Though I am quite sure that that paté I had mixed it with had something to do with it.
Now I will just wait a while and give her morning meds when she's high enough not to care.

And, as I have no stitchy pictures, let me introduce you gorgeous man who sleeps on my left side:

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