Monday 21 May 2007

Life in the geriatrics ward

Local vets are fully booked until next week so Her Highness has no other option than live in discomfort for a while - as she doesn't even apply as an emergency case because blood ear is not fatal, it's "just" annoying, and it is known to cure by itself with time (swelling presses bleeding vein shut).
If you have ever heard the sound cat's claws make while scratching plastic collar you know that I will be insane before next week...
But in better news, Neko, my old fellow with funtionality problems, seems to be getting better. He has been spotted destroying running around the apartment with Masa without any visible ataxia.
Neko has been on seaweed powder (which is actually a cat dental care product) + Carny's paté diet for a month now, and the fact that his physical and mental state has improved proves that he was malnutritioned for some odd reason. He just don't seem to be very interested of dry food anymore (he does eat it daily, but not enough) for reasons I can't fathom (Only reason I can think of is that he has lost some of his sense of smell as his teeth and gums seem to be ok).

ETA: I feel like Dr. Mengele now... but this should make her ear immobile.

Thousand and one use for socks, part I.

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