Friday 9 February 2007

On dyeing

Thank you for the comments on my dyed thingies. There are some little details I'd like to let you know:

  1. I am an artisan of textile designing and manufacturing (my 'major' was weaving (designing and manufacturing) though) by education and therefore dyeing was part of my education. I have spent good part of three years in the dye 'lab' (there was only one place I spent more time in and that was our 'weavery' (hall of looms)).

  2. I won't write a tutorial, even Angela asked for it, because the process differs between brands and between colour types (there are hot dyes, cold dyes, machine dyes..). Only advices I give you are: prewash the item and trust yourself. (The dye will attach the fiber even if you made a mistake. The result just may be something you never expected it to be - and sometimes it is a good thing.)

  3. Dyeing is actually very, very easy, you just need the courage to try it. Dye packets contain very good instructions (at least Dylon dyes do) so if you know how to read you know how to dye.
At this moment I would love to experiment with painting the fabric with the dyes, but as it is winter and I don't have a backyard I can't. Some day...


Why I don't use subtitles?

Recently I have been watching DVDs while stitching, and today I realised once again why I disable subtitles every time... I do it because it seems to me that translators don't either speak Finnish or English fluently (and some of them don't seem to speak either..). For crying out loud even I could do better translations with my elementary school English... but then, they provide form of entertainment.

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