Monday 5 February 2007

Egyptian Sampler SAL and a random meme

See, I remembered! I have officially started my part of the Egyptian Sampler Stitch-A-Long with Christine.

This much I got done while doing the laundry today. I decided to stop after I was smart enough to mess up with the blending and had to frog quite much of the inner border...

Five things I haven't told you, until now...

As I love mental exhibitionism here it comes. The meme goes like this:

  1. Get tagged.
  2. List five things that have not been revealed on your blog.
  3. Tag five other people
As Angela kind-of tagged me here it comes:
  1. At wee hours of New Year's day I had a premonition, or a thought, which will be a real premonition if I get married before 1st of January, 2008.
  2. If things fall in those places they are falling now I will have (at least) one long plane trip this year. (Remember that the word is if.)
  3. I am allergic to penicillin.
  4. At some point of the summer '99 there was a possibility of me being pregnant. Even though Dan knew about my syndrome he insisted that I have an abortion if I am. Even I never had to do it, as I wasn't pregnant, I have never forgave him saying that.
    (If I had been I would have left him rather than having an abortion.)
  5. There's only one exception for my I will never take any of my exes back policy - and I know (as much one can know anything) that he is the only one who will never ask for that.
Now, consider yourself tagged.

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