Wednesday 21 February 2007

Belated Monday Madness

After weeks and weeks of uninspiring questions MM hit the nerve again, so here it comes!

Monday Madness

1. If you could rewrite one pivotal moment in history, good or bad, to make a change, which moment would that be AND what are some of the consequences that you believe might come from that change?

This was the difficult one, and if I hadn't watched B5 last night I hadn't answered to this whole meme. Thanks to Passing Trough Gethsemane for the idea...

I think most of you have heard of crucifixion of certain Yeshua of Nazareth about 2007 years ago? As an outcast in a Christian society I do play sometimes with the idea of what if..?
His goal was to reform Judaism, not to become Messiah of a new religion, but as Romans crucified him he became a martyr and certain power crazed individuals got their possibility to become powerful and control lives of others...
What would Judaism be if Jesus had never been crucified? What would be world's most common religion then? Would we have more religious tolerance, would it be easier for us heathens, people with 'wrong' belief to live? How different would world be without crusades and Christian missionarism?

I am not saying world would be more peaceful place to live as we really can't know, but at least world would be more varied in means of thinking.
It is also possible that no one would never had heard of Islam, which, in my opinion, would actually be a pity. Some may ask how in Earth you say there wouldn't be Islam?... Mohammad studied Judaism and Christianity before he became a prophet, before Gabriel became to him and if you think of it Islam contains major elements from both Judaism and Christianity.

In my opinion world would be more varying religion wise, in my opinion there would be more unique cultures.

I am not against Christianity, I am against the fact that in its name people have been massacred, in its name cultures have been destroyed, in its name has happened so much bad that I am sure that their Messiah cries blood out of agony... because what he preached was love and understanding, not trying to make everyone alike and live in continuous shame.

2. What's the most unusual hobby you have? How did you get started with it?

Define unusual. In the circles I hang around everything I do is completely normal, though it may be less common, but nothing I do is unusual as such. And, for someone who don't share my interests everything I do for fun is unusual...

3. Name one thing for each of the following: Favorite

  1. smell
  2. texture
  3. view
  4. sound
  5. taste.
  1. Musk.
  2. Velvet.
  3. Dusk.
  4. Cat's purr.
  5. Coffee.

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