Friday 16 February 2007

Friday's Feast

Feast One Hundred & Thirty One

Appetizer: What sound, other than the normal ringing, would you like your telephone to make?
Have you ever heard of cell phones?
My cells have nice variety of tunes so I can't think of anything.

Soup: Describe your usual disposition in meteorological terms (partly cloudy, sunny, stormy, etc.).
Sunny, with occasional cloudiness. Lately... well, it has been raining, but I think it has been all about blockage in my creativity. (Someone stayed up until 3 am and designed, and feels much better now.)

Salad: What specific subject do you feel you know better than any other subjects?
I am Jack of many trades, so I can't choose.

Main Course: Imagine you were given the ability to remember everything you read for one entire day. Which books/magazines/newspapers would you choose to read?
Bible, both parts. That would give me great weapon against all the fundamentalists who claim to know things better... Great book, but badly misread and understood.

Dessert: If a popular candy maker contacted you to create their next confection, what would it be like and what would you name it?
I don't eat enough candy to be able to answer...

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