Friday 20 July 2007

It's in the lungs

My lungs hurt. (What inflammation?!...)
Maybe I shouldn't sing when I know that I have problems with my oxygen intake... but, actually I think that singing has been one reason why I have managed to go on without problems quite a few years.
As the truth is that I have had asthma-like symptoms every now and then most of my life.

When I was kid I thought they had to do with my weight (I was in great physical condition noticing those excess kilos - as an example I ran short distances as fast as one of the best runners in my age level. Longer distances were a problem because I couldn't get enough oxygen..). At one point I have actually taken medication for shortness of breath (I was five and, even a bit plump, still appr. weighed what I should (PCOs women usually show first signs in childhood by having more fat in their abdominal area than regular kids - even if they weight what they are supposed to)), when I was 18 I just discarded them as I wanted to actually graduate, when we moved here (back in married days) I had a short episode of shortness of breath in physical exercise (are your minds in the gutter now? Good).
And it is possible that I have got this far just because I have sung in a choir, because I was in a class which had more music lessons than other kids - because that is why I learnt to breathe "correctly". (If you listen to good singers you notice that you don't hear when they inhale and they know how to make that one breath last for ages.)

Only three days to go before I see GP... whew.

Another Note to self

Leena is such an enabler when it comes to wishlist additions! After reading her latest entry I want Isabelle Vautier's latest book "Un petit fil rouge m'a dit..."

And... I am about >this< close to a happy dance so I am off stitching some more!

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