Still in the land of the living.
I've been so tired few days. Haven't even stitched that much. Just vegetated.
My theory is that when Wolfie is stressed and tired I'm tired, just out of pure empathy - which is interesting as I don't consider myself very empathetic person in general (though, love explains many things - and I'm person who's in her best when loved (I'm getting so nice that it's scary ^^)).
chanda_m, I'm aware of (current) weather conditions in Thailand. I've little spy in my Firefox.
I used to use ForecastFox to tell me local weather, but some time ago I changed it to tell me how it's in Bangkok. I take it as mental exercise. (I wont say anything of how hot it'll be when I get there *evil grin*, but this little demon is used to hot places. Comes with being a demon.
Wolfie is very interesting man. (Now, isn't that self-evident or what?!)
I've noticed it about million times before (during last two months), but he 'said' something today which just proved it - once again. (He's very good in reminding me why I love him so much. He does it daily. ^^)
He had quite stressful week, long days and he had no free time during weekend because he had to work. In one of his SMS' he said to me that he's sorry that he's been bit absent because of that (easy thing to understand in those circumstances).
Now... What makes it interesting is that he's been much more available even now than anyone before him.
I've heard few times in my past that I'm clingy because I'm quite, well, affectionate. It has always been something bad, but now... Now my clinginess is good trait in me, something which is appreciated in me. Something which actually makes person I love feel loved.
Different strokes for different folks, they say. I just never thought there can actually be someone like him, someone whose strokes are so similar to mine.
Sounds awfully pessimistic when thinking of it now, but I never thought that someone can actually have all those traits... it's almost scary. I've been given possibility to have and to hold someone as wonderful as he is...
Positive scariness has been theme for last two months (for both of us), and it seems to stay as hot topic quite long.
I really hope that we survive that test of actually meeting and being together. (Though I see no reason why we wouldn't survive from it.)
In completely another news: I may redo my blog today/tomorrow, once again (it has been like this at least two months....), so don't wonder if it looks a bit odd.
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