Friday 8 June 2007

Now it's official, I have lost my mind!

Some of you may have noticed that I am rather fond of black... and black has been the dominating colour in my wardrobe last decade or so.
Now, what makes me state that I have lost my mind is that among the clothes I have bought wthin last three days there has been fuchsia coloured pullover (you all know how much I, erm, "love" anything related to pink - which makes me an obvious nut case (add two pairs of pink bras to this...)), red top, graphite grey trousers, olive green jacket and, shock and awe, regular blue jeans. (No fear, I have bought some black clothes too. *grin*)
  1. I don't like pinkish shades, as I have mentioned few thousand times.
  2. I don't like blue, even less in clothes.
  3. I haven't actually owned jeans in last two decades, because "they are not my style".
  4. I don't like grey clothes.
  5. I don't like olive green in clothing (otherwise it's one of those few shades of green I like - maybe because I love olives).
I bought 1. and 5. with black dye bath in mind, but I am not sure about the 1., because, you know, it's kind of energetic colour - and because the shirt has rather giving neckline and it is soft it's rather complimenting for certain parts of my body and the colour just enhances the effect... (Shallow, me? Never...)

Where all this colour is coming from?!

...begin to think of it... I have spent only about 130 € (altogether) on clothes during my last two shopping sprees and got loads of stuff... I think I love sales.

But, back to watch Blade (DVDs bought in last three days: ten, money spent on them (altogether):~40 € = I do love sales) and then to bed in hopes of having nightmares of the interview tomorrow as that has always been the sign that I get the job. *grin*

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