Friday 29 June 2007

Neverending S.E.X.!

Oh, if it just could be so... Actually this is probably the last stash picture for a while.

I gave in and bought almost full set of DMC's Variations (I have all the separately sold old colours now) and also got prepared for that day when I start model stitching my 'B1g S3kr1t Pr0j3ct' (nickname courtesy of Deb L. ) by buying bigger snap frame.

By the way, I'm in need of reasonably priced dark crimson/ burgundy hand-dyed silk (something in terms of DMC 4210, but silk), any suggestions which brand would have suitable colour?

Healing the kitty - and doing it well

I have to say that the vet did a great job... Her Highness, going on her 14th year, who has lived in here last six years and has never played during that time, has got back to kittenhood (*g*) since she got rid of that nasty otitis.
Nowadays she demans that I play with her and her plastic shrimp (extremely kitsch neon-coloured plastic shrimp) about an hour every day.(Boys gain from this too, as they come to play as well when ever they notice that it's shrimping time. (Note that The Old Geezers (Neko and Seiichi, who both have had their eight birthday) haven't been playful in last... six years.))
You could never imagine how much fun an old cat can have with a cardboard box and a plastic shrimp...

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