Friday 15 June 2007

...How I have grown to hate airplanes since last year, they are groaning out the pain I feel inside of me. Still.
They used to represent freedom, hope for better and now they just remind me of you, you, who ironically are the only man I could take back, but who'll never ask me to consider it. I know you don't believe in second or third changes, not anymore - and how I hope you had never been taught that by someone you loved...

I still remember what you wore that day, I still remember the softness of those leather benches in that cab we took from the airport and, to my horror, I still remember how your fingers felt in my hair and how soft your lips were.

I always said you were different. You are. It took me almost a year to get you out of my dreams and it will take forever and a day to get you out of my heart.

I still remember how you warned me about loving you because you are broken...

Will: You ever wonder what your life would be like if you uh..if you never met your wife?
Sean: What? Wonder if I'd be better off without her?
Will: No, no, no, I'm not saying, like, better off.
Sean: No.
Will: I didn't mean it like that.
Sean: It's all right. It's an important question. Becauseyou'll have bad times, but that'll always wake you up to the good stuffyou weren't paying attention to.
Will: And you don't regret meeting your wife?
Sean: Why? Because of the pain I feel now? Well, I got regrets, Will, but I don't regret a single day I spent with her.
Yeah, no regrets, but does it make me sound like a desperate idiot if I say that I am having a hard time because of the happiness I felt last year this time?
As I have said, it's not love that hurts, but missing someone... I don't know, it's kind of odd anyway... missing someone you have got over of. (At least I claim that you are over him... though, if I can think of a relatonship with someone else I can't be that badly mistaken... anyway.)

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