It is, and have been, a beautiful day (as it was exactly one year ago, by the way *g*), even though I haven't received a call from the place where I had that job interview at and I can't get through to the person I need to call to because employment services have found me something to do (does it make me bad person if I say I wish I don't get that place? I've been there once and I rather would do anything else - not to mention that it can be bad for my allergies (if so it would prove that I need to be re-educated, so there's something good in everything), but I *have* to accept the job if they accept me, otherwise my bank account will feel it). And it seems that in the end I won't get that Grankulla storage stool... I do wonder why it has been removed from their selection - and I was evil enough to ask. (ETA: My mom improvised and went to her local Ikea just to see are they selling the sample away in their sale area... she just called me: she got it! And as it was last piece and a sample they took some euros off the price i.e. I got it cheaper and my mom keeps rest of that 50 € I gave her for it as a partial payment of my debt.)
But, I got some new DVDs! All four seasons of Black Adder (in addition to all my other things I have a thing for Rowan Atkinson (ah, give me BA from season II, I could do some nice *cough* things with his thingies...)) and 2nd Matrix movie (I had 1st and 3rd). And I have been playing around with my designing software because there's something I need to do...
Actually I have to confess...
I did stitch yesterday, a model to be exact - which actually lead me to go outside of my comfort zone to explore a bit.
I just *so* love this high.
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