Sunday 17 June 2007

Another meme...

Kind of got tagged by Tracy.
  1. Were you named after anyone?
    I don't recall how the story goes, but I guess I was. We have a family friend who has my first name and it's possible that my name was one of the possibilities for my mother's name when she was still a baby.

  2. Last time you cried?
    Friday 15th of June, 1:50 (am).

  3. Do you like your handwriting?

  4. Favorite lunch meat?

  5. Do you have kids?
    Nope, I am currently concentrating on finding good father for them.

  6. Would you be friends with youself?
    Heck yes!

  7. Do you use sarcasm a lot?

  8. Do you have your tonsils?
    You want them? Sorry, they have been removed. (I had balance problems when I was a kid and they had to be removed.)

  9. Would you bungee jump?

  10. Favorite cereal?
    Only cereal I can eat is el cheapo brand's Rice Crispies. (If I recall correctly Kellogg's' version has something odd in it - or maybe it's just their price I'm allergic to...)

  11. Do you untie your shoes?
    Ermmm... yes? (Try to take army boots off without....)

  12. Do you think you are strong?
    In what sense? Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually?
    Physically yes, mentally/ emotionally/ spiritually somewhat.

  13. What is your favorite ice cream?
    White chocolate ice cream (made of real cream) with apricot and chunks of white chocolate.

  14. First thing you notice about people?
    Smile. Usually lack of it.

  15. Red or Pink?
    Well, in my opinion pink is red. It's just "cut". (In Finnish red is punainen and pink is vaaleanpunainen which equals pale red.)

  16. Least favorite thing about yourself?
    Hmm... mood swings (PCOs thingy).

  17. Who do you miss most?
    Right now? Many people actually: Wolfie, my grandfather, someone unknown who I will love some day. Mostly someone who'd hold me close when I try to fall asleep.

  18. Do you expect to get this back?
    Well, this is not in email form anymore... next!

  19. What shoes are you wearing?
    None. We (Finns) don't wear shoes indoors.

  20. Last thing you ate?
    Chicken legs.

  21. What are you listening to right now?
    Black Adder, season IV, episode 4.

  22. What color crayon would you be?
    Burnt orange/ black/ crimson/ purple. I can't decide.

  23. Favorite smells?
    Air just before rain, rain, musk, sandalwood, cat's fur, CK's Be, clean human skin...

  24. Last person you talked to on the phone?
    Let me think... it probably has been some gallup maker. I don't talk in phone that much...

  25. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
    No one sent this. Next. (Anyway, I generally like people if I don't have a reason to dislike them.)

  26. Favorite sports to watch?
    Anything with well built men in skimpy clothes.

  27. Hair color?
    Red night, reddish black. (My regular store hasn't got my regular dye when I bought it last time.)

  28. Eye color?
    Greyish blue/ blueish grey (or grey or blue depending my mood) with a brown ring around the iris.

  29. Do you wear contact?
    Why wear only one? *grin*
    No, I use glasses.

  30. Favorite food?
    No opinion. Depends on my mood and cycle and million other things.

  31. Scary movies or happy endings?

  32. Last movie you watched?
    Monsoon Wedding (good movie, you should see it (oh, Indian men, music, colours... I know that I am a sad case.))

  33. What color shirt are you wearing?
    Prepare to be shocked... pale blue.

  34. Summer or Winter?
    Depends on the part of the world I am in. Hot, humid summer (monsoon season <3) or cold, snowy winter.

  35. Hugs or kisses?
    Both. Either one would be great...

  36. Favorite Dessert?
    See 30.

  37. Most likely to respond?
    No comments.

  38. Least likely to respond?
    See previous.

  39. What book are you reading now?
    Books. Terry Prachett's Johan riitti! ("Equal Rites"), The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Writings by Edgar Allan Poe and Eclipse of the Crescent Moon ("Egri csillagok") by Géza Gárdonyi.

  40. What is on your mouse pad?
    I use laptop with touchpad so nothing.

  41. What did you watch last night on tv?
    I don't watch TV. It's opium for the masses.

  42. Favorite Sound?
    Good music, rain, cat's purr, heartbeat...

  43. Rolling Stone or Beatles?
    Well, comparison between a magazine and a band (it's The Beatles, by the way) is a bit difficult. *evil grin*
    I know, it's a typo, but still... Rolling Stone and The Rolling Stones are a tiny bit different thing. *another evil grin*

  44. Furthest you have been from home?
    Thailand, but as they say... Home is where the heart is so I was at home in there.
    I could say that I am farthest from home now when I am at home (because, as I say, my heart currently has no home).

  45. Do you have a special talent?
    1. Intellect
    2. Verbal abilities (acrobacy)
    3. Creativity
    4. Odd memory
    5. Ability to learn fast
    6. Partially photographic memory
    7. Being a great masseurist

  46. Where were you born?
    On Earth, at a maternity ward.
Got this far? You are, as usual, tagged!

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