Saturday, 30 June 2007

Goal check

Strike and green equal a success. Orange is for "put some work to said piece, but not enough for a success", and red goes, as you guess, for a failure.

Goals for June were:

  1. Stitch Summer Dragon on Leslie's RR. I'm about half done, but will be few days late.
  2. Participate Stitch-A-Thon, stitch rest of Loy's page four. Stitched only some bush.
  3. Make one surprise gift.
  4. Finish the models for July launch and make them ready for print. Done! I actually started September's models and finished one.
  5. Finish and mail Angi's gift. Done!
  6. See about that needleroll tutorial.


  7. Designed a logo for Violarium.

The reason why I will be few days late with Leslie's RR is that I had dreadful Thursday:

  1. I started stitching and after I had finished one symbol I noticed that I hadn't enough strands. Frog.
  2. I stitched same symbol again and noticed that I have wrong filament. Frog.
  3. Same symbol again, but this time I had wrong DMC. Frog.
At that point I decided to take few days off from it.

And... goals for July are:

  1. Stitch Summer and send Leslie's RR to Christine.
  2. Stitch one model and finish that one I'm working on now.
  3. Make one surprise gift. (Deadline 15th of July.)
  4. Stitch Bunny Baby for the Stitchers for Children.
  5. Participate SAT.
  6. Get older.
I think it's there... now, off to make my morning coffee! (I have been up for hours, but I got this stupid idea to finish designing T3h B1g S3kr1t Pr0j3ct... it's almost done, I just need to decide between two little details and two layouts - and, of course, the floss (I'm quite sure that it will be stitched on 36 count Edinburgh flax linen).)

Friday, 29 June 2007

Some designers should be shot at dawn...

At least that person whose bright idea was to provide plastic nails with that futon.... Even I know that best solution in something like that is a regular screw (and screwing is fun * depraved grin*), even more when all the holes aren't in their rightful places...

I am pissed, you know?

Solution? My mother comes to help me in Tuesday and takes her friends Drill and Box of Screws with her.

Neverending S.E.X.!

Oh, if it just could be so... Actually this is probably the last stash picture for a while.

I gave in and bought almost full set of DMC's Variations (I have all the separately sold old colours now) and also got prepared for that day when I start model stitching my 'B1g S3kr1t Pr0j3ct' (nickname courtesy of Deb L. ) by buying bigger snap frame.

By the way, I'm in need of reasonably priced dark crimson/ burgundy hand-dyed silk (something in terms of DMC 4210, but silk), any suggestions which brand would have suitable colour?

Healing the kitty - and doing it well

I have to say that the vet did a great job... Her Highness, going on her 14th year, who has lived in here last six years and has never played during that time, has got back to kittenhood (*g*) since she got rid of that nasty otitis.
Nowadays she demans that I play with her and her plastic shrimp (extremely kitsch neon-coloured plastic shrimp) about an hour every day.(Boys gain from this too, as they come to play as well when ever they notice that it's shrimping time. (Note that The Old Geezers (Neko and Seiichi, who both have had their eight birthday) haven't been playful in last... six years.))
You could never imagine how much fun an old cat can have with a cardboard box and a plastic shrimp...

Thursday, 28 June 2007


As unbelievable as it sounds all futon's parts are now painted. Next thing (tomorrow) is to sand them lightly, wipe them with slightly moist rag, assemble the whole thing and sew few thingies for it.
Only one more night of sleeping on the floor!

Reasons for insomnia, part I

Could you wake up someone this cute just to get your temporary bed thingies? Neither can I - and she's sleeping on my blanket, pillows etc..

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Foto Pherrets: Time

Week 78

Our word for this week is: Time

Long time ago, in a rebublic not so far away... Quite much time has passed since this photo was taken - I think I am about four in it. (This seems to be natural position for me.... see the entry avatar.)

Put on your secret dancing shoes

... as it is time for a secret happy dance!

This little bugger will move out to live with my mother and will be revealed/ published 1st of September. (I find that metallic effect interesting as it was even in the original picture I took... that is normal pewter Jobelan, you see.)

Anyway, I loved this design while stitching it and I love it even more now when I see it finished - it's perfect design for a biscornu (though I think I may have to stitch it over one as a fob/ ornament some day, just to see how good it looks ).

And... Angi's birthday exchange parcel is filled with little this-and-thats and waiting to be mailed out tomorrow so it stands a chance to reach States ~3rd of July, just in time for her birthday.

I'm off to add another coat of paint on last set of my futon's parts.

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

S.E.X. is here to stay

As if.

Some more stash - mostly just because, but initially they will be used for models:

I had another stash splurge at Violarium (that fabric is from Sewandso though) and when ever Leena gets the new colours for Variations I will probably give in and get whole set of them (Have you seen the new colours? They are lovely).
I also foresee one model finish today for September's launch - you could say that I started early. And in case I can keep up this speed (night before last I got 2 hours worth of sleep and after I woke I jumped around like a Duracell bunny for next 20 hours - it also meant some quality stitching time) I may even be in time for once...

28th year is almost here

I got an interesting "birthday card" today from my mother (we decided that it is a birthday card as it was about the same price as a card and it was given me for my birthday (which is in coming Tuesday (3rd of July), so you're not late sending gifts ):
  1. It's a book, called Museum der Orientalischen Kunst Moskau.
  2. It's published in Leningrad (yes, it was Leningrad back then).
  3. It's printed in German Democratic Republic (Yes, it was GDR back then).
Not to mention that it has great pictures.

Did I mention that it is published in 1988?

Monday, 25 June 2007

New design

...though in a tiny bit different use: I am proud to announce that Violarium's new logo is designed by someone you know, that someone being myself.
Clean, simple, suitable for the store (Violarium stands for a field of violets) and Leena was very pleased with the end result. Perfect.

Sunday, 24 June 2007

Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream...

Lately I have had a phase of disturbing, but good, dreams and I am not sure how much I like it in the end.
I am completely contended with the dreams where I move to a new apartment as now the apartment I am moving in is new, spacious, well designed and has good amount of natural daylight (I love those parquet floors it has), though there's still something missing from the kitchen, but not as much there used to - I am quite sure I still don't have a stove in my kitchen.

In dream symbolism kitchen represents our heart, our emotional life. And if it really is a stove I am missing from my kitchen the message is quite clear: I miss warmth, something to nourish my heart. (I think we can conclude from this that I miss being loved by someone wonderful.)

Last night I had a dream of someone I haven't met in ten years, someone I haven't heard of in years - someone who I once loved, someone who confessed his love for me too late (I was married when I heard about it).
He had changed, he had found his balance, but still he was the person I had feelings for (he even looked like himself, though ten years older). And in that dream everything continued from where we left it, ten years ago, even though it was ten times better than it was back then.

This has caused lots of confusion today, as I can't fathom why I saw a dream about him. Maybe he just has been thinking of that odd lady who treated him as a human being when most didn't.

But isn't this one of the reasons why I keep dating-free summer? To clarify myself. I think this is just one part of the path.

Unconscious Mutterings

Week 229

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Compulsion :: Impulse
  2. Spiritual :: Contended
  3. Spray :: Hair spray
  4. Compatibility :: Match
  5. Pursuit :: Trivial Pursuit
  6. Fake :: Hoax
  7. Mobile :: Cell
  8. Ceremony :: Ritual
  9. Ribbons :: Awareness
  10. Mozart :: Colin Mozart (Monty Python addict, me?!)

If it has "Deepak Chopra" written on it...

... it will definitely melt me. At least this seems to be the case. My latest case of core meltdown happened when I heard this:
Looking for your face

From the beginning of my life
I have been looking for your face
but today I have seen it

Today I have seen
the charm, the beauty,
the unfathomable grace
of the face
that I was looking for

Today I have found you
and those who laughed
and scorned me yesterday
are sorry that they were not looking
as I did

I am bewildered by the magnificence
of your beauty
and wish to see you
with a hundred eyes

My heart has burned with passion
and has searched forever
for this wondrous beauty
that I now behold

I am ashamed
to calll this love human
and afraid of God
to call it divine

Your fragrant breath
like the morning breeze
has come to the stillness of the garden
You have breathed new life into me
I have become your sunshine
and also your shadow

My soul is screaming in ecstacy
Every fiber of my being
is in love with you

Your efflugence
has lit a fire in my heart
for me
the earth and sky

My arrow of love
has arrived at the target
I am in the house of mercy
and my heart
is a place of prayer.

(Snatched from here. (As far as I know this is based on a poem by Rumi.)

*deep sigh*

Saturday, 23 June 2007


I realised today that I haven't done a single biscornu in two months! (This reveals lack of biscornus in my coming release (there's one design which is designed to be one though, but it wanted to be finished in a bit different way).)
(ETA:OOOOPS! Actually I have... ok, I haven't done one in a bit over a month.)

This lead to me thinking that I haven't done one for my mother yet, which is my intention as she has never seen one, which lead me to browse through my design stash which lead me to design few more (and import couple of old ones to my current software's format)... So, it has been day filled with little squares and litres of coffee - though it has been fun.
Now it's time for some stitching and Black Adders, so off I go!

SBQ: The Choice Is Yours


Stitching Bloggers' Question

was suggested by Kathryn and is:
When you start a new work do you look for something small, do you look for another huge project or do you consider your UFOs?
Firstly it depends on the size of the project which I am replacing (i.e. what has been finished last), secondly it depends on what design I want stitch next and thirdly it depends on what I have kitted or what I can kit straight out from my current stash.
I never consider UFOs, actually I don't usually even think of them.

Friday, 22 June 2007

Midsummer, just another weekend

Traditionally Finns drink themselves to death and drown into a closest lake with their zippers open during Midsummer celebrations... or at least drink like idiots and behave like ones too.
I really don't get it (I admit, I think I have done it once and as I was still 17 back then I have an excuse: I was young and stupid (and booze was free, advantages of being only female in a group of people *cough*)). Therefore I celebrate Midsummer working (actually I already wrote new pages needed for next launch) and stitching Leslie's dragon.

Midsummer is also one of those little oxymorons in this Christian country: it has been renamed by John the Babtist (Johannes Kastaja) to cover old pagan celebration (as it goes with everything else actually), but still the majority celebrates Juhannus in very pagan way - even though great majority of Finns are Christians.
The thing what bothers me is not their Christianity, but the fact that they aren't aware the origins of their habits and how pagan they actually are... same goes with my amusement regarding New Year's Eve and rockets.

Maybe I am just plain boring (and annoying) because I wonder about it, but I find it very curious.

Preparez la vache!

At one point Summer Dragon looked like a cow... though I think that now it looks more like a dragon.

This is Leslie's piece and it should be ready to be mailed out at July 1st.

I had this odd hallucination that I could sit on my futon and stitch this during the weekend, but I think that my futon will be ready to be assembled Sunday at earliest... taking that I have enough paint (I have used almost two cans (out of three) and I still haven't painted most of the big planks... note that one can should have enough paint to cover 5-6 square meters... maybe, but it's not anywhere sufficient estimation for dry wood - or maybe pine (being soft and all) just absorbs better than other wood types).

Thursday, 21 June 2007


I was playing around with chanda_m's PIF last night and even though the idea was great it did not work... So, either I have to try another technique or change the plan completely. I have alternative PIF idea in my head, but it's quite lame, though something every stitcher always needs more... and it would be fast to make, as I really would like to get this first one on its way.

Decisions, decisions.

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Ready, set, drool!

As promised, stashy pictures!


First one is my Bunny Baby kit from Casa Cenina. This will be stitched for charity project 'Stitchers for Children'.
The second one is Lady's latest S.E.X. from Violarium: DMCs for two new models and some Atalie's hand-dyed cottons just because - and set of 28 needles because I wanted try that brand and because I need thinner needles for 40 count (I can stitch with 26 on it (One Star's Light sells Permin's needles which are great for 40 count), but 28s might be better).
Even though I thought that Flamme (first two on left) would look different I can't say that I am disappointed - it looks great even my screen lied to me yesterday.

I have noticed lately that hand-dyeds are an interesting phenomenon: even though they use same fibers the results are so different (can be explained with dye brand, water etc.) that one can't afford to have just one favourite brand.
Personally I have at least three favourite hand-dyed silk brands and two or three hand-dyed cotton brands - though, for example Atalie has both in their selection and both of them are in my favourites (Atalie's floss is rather expensive if you just look at the price per skein, but once you get a chance to try them you are hooked!).


Ooh, /me wants USB Doorbell!

Advantages of sleeping on the floor

As my futon is still WIP I sleep on the floor using thin matress cover and think blanket as my matress... and I sleep better than I have done in ages - I even wake up earlier.
Which means that futon may be some kind of a solution for my (over)sleeping problems as my matress-to-be is only 7 cm thick.

Paint the town red!

Not really...

Sneaky as I am I got my mother to accompany me in my paint shopping trip to Ikea (it's silly that it takes about the same time and effort to go (by public transport) to my local Ikea than my mother's local Ikea, noticing that we live in neighbouring cities and my local Ikea is in between me and my mother's local Ikea - how's that for odd?) and popped at her place after it (i.e. she fed me and I got some new plants to bring home to (have I mentioned that my chilis died during last winter? *sob*)).
Anyway, based on my purchases you could almost think that I like red: red bedspread to be remodeled to be futon matresses cover, red bedsheets, plates with red motifs... And I think I still need to go back (actually I forgot to buy a laundry bag, which I intended to buy so I have an excuse here) and buy this wonderful linen which just screams my name and make some sofa cushion covers from it - and then I need to find piece of some gorgeous fabric and buy one of those HUGE frames they sell at Ikea and make some unique piece of art.

I think I am having a bad case of nesting... well, it's my office/ bedroom anyway and I spend quite much time in here, so why not make it cozy?

By the way, I foresee some stash pictures tomorrow so stay tuned!

Monday, 18 June 2007

55 count, over one

Yes, you read it right.

Dirty details:

  • Fabric: White 55 count Kingston linen.
  • Thread: Gütermann's Silk Thread (#370)
  • Design: Heart from Periphaeria Designs' With Love...
  • Stitch: Tent stitch.
  • Size: 4mm x 4mm (3/19'' x 3/19'')

SAT weekend

Result: not much stitching done, but I cleaned the bedroom/ office - I even washed the walls! - and done some woodwork... i.e. sanded and painted few futon parts (,designed couple of things, did a bit of model stitching..).
By the looks of it I live in a construction area and will live for few days still (fortunately the paint (IMO "stain" is different thing than this) doesn't smell) - I also have to go to Ikea and get some more of that paint as I think I need two layers to have the coverage I want (and I have that storage stool to paint too!).

Anyway, I didn't make my goal (which was rest of page four), but got some bush done.

And the management has approved the storage stool... (they don't sleep together often.)

Sunday, 17 June 2007

All animals are equal...

... but some animals are more equal than others.
In this case cats are more equal than humans. Their bed vs. my bed...


My futon is kind of a WIP at the moment, but cats' futon (that storage stool) was the second thing I assembled (first was a lamp) when I got my things today... At the moment they are test sleeping it.

Unconscious Mutterings

Week 228

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Riding :: Mmmmm....
  2. Actress :: Woman
  3. Flowers :: Sneeze
  4. Making :: Creating
  5. Robot :: Marvin, the paranoid android
  6. Enjoy :: "Share and enjoy" (Sirius Cybernetics Corporation)
  7. Identify :: Recognize
  8. 22 :: Fifteen
  9. Busy :: Bee
  10. Forward :: Email

Another meme...

Kind of got tagged by Tracy.
  1. Were you named after anyone?
    I don't recall how the story goes, but I guess I was. We have a family friend who has my first name and it's possible that my name was one of the possibilities for my mother's name when she was still a baby.

  2. Last time you cried?
    Friday 15th of June, 1:50 (am).

  3. Do you like your handwriting?

  4. Favorite lunch meat?

  5. Do you have kids?
    Nope, I am currently concentrating on finding good father for them.

  6. Would you be friends with youself?
    Heck yes!

  7. Do you use sarcasm a lot?

  8. Do you have your tonsils?
    You want them? Sorry, they have been removed. (I had balance problems when I was a kid and they had to be removed.)

  9. Would you bungee jump?

  10. Favorite cereal?
    Only cereal I can eat is el cheapo brand's Rice Crispies. (If I recall correctly Kellogg's' version has something odd in it - or maybe it's just their price I'm allergic to...)

  11. Do you untie your shoes?
    Ermmm... yes? (Try to take army boots off without....)

  12. Do you think you are strong?
    In what sense? Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually?
    Physically yes, mentally/ emotionally/ spiritually somewhat.

  13. What is your favorite ice cream?
    White chocolate ice cream (made of real cream) with apricot and chunks of white chocolate.

  14. First thing you notice about people?
    Smile. Usually lack of it.

  15. Red or Pink?
    Well, in my opinion pink is red. It's just "cut". (In Finnish red is punainen and pink is vaaleanpunainen which equals pale red.)

  16. Least favorite thing about yourself?
    Hmm... mood swings (PCOs thingy).

  17. Who do you miss most?
    Right now? Many people actually: Wolfie, my grandfather, someone unknown who I will love some day. Mostly someone who'd hold me close when I try to fall asleep.

  18. Do you expect to get this back?
    Well, this is not in email form anymore... next!

  19. What shoes are you wearing?
    None. We (Finns) don't wear shoes indoors.

  20. Last thing you ate?
    Chicken legs.

  21. What are you listening to right now?
    Black Adder, season IV, episode 4.

  22. What color crayon would you be?
    Burnt orange/ black/ crimson/ purple. I can't decide.

  23. Favorite smells?
    Air just before rain, rain, musk, sandalwood, cat's fur, CK's Be, clean human skin...

  24. Last person you talked to on the phone?
    Let me think... it probably has been some gallup maker. I don't talk in phone that much...

  25. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
    No one sent this. Next. (Anyway, I generally like people if I don't have a reason to dislike them.)

  26. Favorite sports to watch?
    Anything with well built men in skimpy clothes.

  27. Hair color?
    Red night, reddish black. (My regular store hasn't got my regular dye when I bought it last time.)

  28. Eye color?
    Greyish blue/ blueish grey (or grey or blue depending my mood) with a brown ring around the iris.

  29. Do you wear contact?
    Why wear only one? *grin*
    No, I use glasses.

  30. Favorite food?
    No opinion. Depends on my mood and cycle and million other things.

  31. Scary movies or happy endings?

  32. Last movie you watched?
    Monsoon Wedding (good movie, you should see it (oh, Indian men, music, colours... I know that I am a sad case.))

  33. What color shirt are you wearing?
    Prepare to be shocked... pale blue.

  34. Summer or Winter?
    Depends on the part of the world I am in. Hot, humid summer (monsoon season <3) or cold, snowy winter.

  35. Hugs or kisses?
    Both. Either one would be great...

  36. Favorite Dessert?
    See 30.

  37. Most likely to respond?
    No comments.

  38. Least likely to respond?
    See previous.

  39. What book are you reading now?
    Books. Terry Prachett's Johan riitti! ("Equal Rites"), The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Writings by Edgar Allan Poe and Eclipse of the Crescent Moon ("Egri csillagok") by Géza Gárdonyi.

  40. What is on your mouse pad?
    I use laptop with touchpad so nothing.

  41. What did you watch last night on tv?
    I don't watch TV. It's opium for the masses.

  42. Favorite Sound?
    Good music, rain, cat's purr, heartbeat...

  43. Rolling Stone or Beatles?
    Well, comparison between a magazine and a band (it's The Beatles, by the way) is a bit difficult. *evil grin*
    I know, it's a typo, but still... Rolling Stone and The Rolling Stones are a tiny bit different thing. *another evil grin*

  44. Furthest you have been from home?
    Thailand, but as they say... Home is where the heart is so I was at home in there.
    I could say that I am farthest from home now when I am at home (because, as I say, my heart currently has no home).

  45. Do you have a special talent?
    1. Intellect
    2. Verbal abilities (acrobacy)
    3. Creativity
    4. Odd memory
    5. Ability to learn fast
    6. Partially photographic memory
    7. Being a great masseurist

  46. Where were you born?
    On Earth, at a maternity ward.
Got this far? You are, as usual, tagged!

Friday, 15 June 2007

Ah well, it helps to be somber sometimes...

It is, and have been, a beautiful day (as it was exactly one year ago, by the way *g*), even though I haven't received a call from the place where I had that job interview at and I can't get through to the person I need to call to because employment services have found me something to do (does it make me bad person if I say I wish I don't get that place? I've been there once and I rather would do anything else - not to mention that it can be bad for my allergies (if so it would prove that I need to be re-educated, so there's something good in everything), but I *have* to accept the job if they accept me, otherwise my bank account will feel it). And it seems that in the end I won't get that Grankulla storage stool... I do wonder why it has been removed from their selection - and I was evil enough to ask. (ETA: My mom improvised and went to her local Ikea just to see are they selling the sample away in their sale area... she just called me: she got it! And as it was last piece and a sample they took some euros off the price i.e. I got it cheaper and my mom keeps rest of that 50 € I gave her for it as a partial payment of my debt.)
But, I got some new DVDs! All four seasons of Black Adder (in addition to all my other things I have a thing for Rowan Atkinson (ah, give me BA from season II, I could do some nice *cough* things with his thingies...)) and 2nd Matrix movie (I had 1st and 3rd). And I have been playing around with my designing software because there's something I need to do... (I have to say that I have crossed one designing comfort zone quite well... and it feels good to know that in the end it wasn't that difficult, I just needed one zany moment.)

Actually I have to confess...
I did stitch yesterday, a model to be exact - which actually lead me to go outside of my comfort zone to explore a bit.
I just *so* love this high.

...How I have grown to hate airplanes since last year, they are groaning out the pain I feel inside of me. Still.
They used to represent freedom, hope for better and now they just remind me of you, you, who ironically are the only man I could take back, but who'll never ask me to consider it. I know you don't believe in second or third changes, not anymore - and how I hope you had never been taught that by someone you loved...

I still remember what you wore that day, I still remember the softness of those leather benches in that cab we took from the airport and, to my horror, I still remember how your fingers felt in my hair and how soft your lips were.

I always said you were different. You are. It took me almost a year to get you out of my dreams and it will take forever and a day to get you out of my heart.

I still remember how you warned me about loving you because you are broken...

Will: You ever wonder what your life would be like if you uh..if you never met your wife?
Sean: What? Wonder if I'd be better off without her?
Will: No, no, no, I'm not saying, like, better off.
Sean: No.
Will: I didn't mean it like that.
Sean: It's all right. It's an important question. Becauseyou'll have bad times, but that'll always wake you up to the good stuffyou weren't paying attention to.
Will: And you don't regret meeting your wife?
Sean: Why? Because of the pain I feel now? Well, I got regrets, Will, but I don't regret a single day I spent with her.
Yeah, no regrets, but does it make me sound like a desperate idiot if I say that I am having a hard time because of the happiness I felt last year this time?
As I have said, it's not love that hurts, but missing someone... I don't know, it's kind of odd anyway... missing someone you have got over of. (At least I claim that you are over him... though, if I can think of a relatonship with someone else I can't be that badly mistaken... anyway.)

SBQ: Storing


Stitching Bloggers' Question

was suggested by Jennifer and is:
How do you store your WIPs and other projects that you have kitted up?
Short and sweet: I rely on good old zip loc bags, cardboard box and a magazine box.
Materials (fabric, floss, embellishments) are in the bags (every bag has project's name on it), these bags are (mostly) in a cardboard box (alter ego has her own, so I am consistent) and the charts are in the magazine box.

It's cheap and it works, that's all that matters.

Thursday, 14 June 2007


I think I will concentrate on vegetating for the rest of the evening... Those designs would have been stitched and filed ages ago without that nasty fact that I had issues with my stitching mojo some time.
But, it's done, I am free (for a while at least)!

Odd dreams

I don't know why one dream I saw last night bothers me, but it does.
Or maybe it was all about the fact that in that dream Sol came back... and he actually said that he was sorry for what he did and that he knows how much of an a$$ he is, and that he still loves me and wants me back... It wasn't a bad dream, which is actually rather odd, but his sudden confession visit in my dream world was confusing. (I haven't even been thinking of him in ages.)

Ah well...

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Foto Pherrets: Sky

Week 76

Our word for this week is: Sky

Sky. Lots of it.

Back to finishing things...

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

The Holy Trinity

Just to keep you "entertained" before I get back to my regularly scheduled stitching:

Her Highness and 2/3rds of her harem enjoying HH's collar-free life (she used to hit her boys with it and therefore they stayed away from her (mostly) for three weeks). (Those eyes of her make her look like a zombie, don't you think? (I have lived with her almost six years and still that red glow looks odd (comes with having blue eyes).))

The Quote

    "To err is human--and to blame it on a computer is even more so."
    -- Robert Orben

Monday, 11 June 2007

The aspect of relativity

Snatched from Jenna:
This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz
Let's see, what makes my life so "bad" in the eyes of the test maker...
  1. I am divorced single with no kids and I'm not looking for a relationship at the moment.
  2. I'm not employed, but my financial status is relatively stable (as long as I don't have to spend 430 € to the vet...), but because of my concentration problems, which lead me to lose the sense of time, I have a bad habit to pay my bills late.
  3. I have some chronic illnesses (none of them severe in normal circumstances), I admit having excess weight and I suffer from hereditary insomnia.
  4. I don't call many people friends, because for me friend is a bit more than just a word, and I have always been somewhat a loner. (There's slight difference between being alone and being lonely...)
  5. I have small family and my childhood wasn't exactly dancing on roses...
I could go on with this list of whys, but I won't. I'd say that this is an interesting "test" in a sense that it shows us how relative everything is. Based on this test my life sucks and that's not true. (If I had to rate my life I wouldn't give, in any circumstances, less than 8,5 - and that includes being childless single. *g*)