Friday 17 June 2005


It seems that I've been one complaining **** lately so why change my style?


I may have complained about this before but... who needs summer? Warmth is nice, unless it wont get over 22 C and it's rainy or cloudy, as sun is something which I can't tolerate. Sometimes it feels that I'm a vampire or something... Most people seem to hang outside during days when it's sunny and do something which they call "enjoying". I just close my curtains and try to avoid sunlight as much as I can.


One word: Migraine.
I'm not sure which one causes one, does migraine tendency create sensitive eyes/ photophobia or does photophobia create migraine? Anyway, I can't stand sunlight in most days - fortunately I live in (mostly) cold and dark country.

To be honest I wait for winter. This nightless night thing is not good for me, my inner clock is completely messed. I just need longer phases of darkness than two hours per night to keep my sleeping rhytm in order... (Little example, last two days have been like this: 5½ + 4 +2 + 4 + 7 +2 + 4 + 3½...)

Good things:

I placed an order into Crafty Needle in the end of last week and today I had pleasant surprise in my mail box: a parcel!
A parcel including one cross stitch booklet which is (according to general knowledge) discontinued and very difficult to find.
I also bought book which seems to be quite interesting according to my quick browse-trough. One sentence caught my eye:

"It is a Great Mitzvah to Always Be Happy."

So, I'm not empty-headed bimbo because I'm relatively happy person by nature. Good to know.

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