I think I've proved that I was right about one person's intentions. Which is not really nice as we were friends so long...
Once again long story, over ten years in fact, so I don't even go it trough.
Anyway, he send me SMS in January. And he seemed to be almost happy when he heard that I was divorcing, he promised to write me a letter. Then I mentioned that I've someone in my life. I haven't heard him since.
So, what this tells about him? Exactly. Nowadays I'm sure that only reason in me which really mattered in me was.... My body. (Ok, I have nice ass and great pair of breasts but so?)And because I'm in a relationship he knows he can't have me -he tried it when I was married- so there's no need to be in contact with me... How can someone be that shallow?
This is good place to do awkward transition and talk about...
I've noticed that females have problems with me. With my looks. They seem to feel inferiority... And I don't get it as I'm very unlike I "should" be according to general aspect of beauty. I'm not delicate, thin, long haired, cute etc..
And still... females have problems with me, no man has ever said anything bad about my looks.
When I walk out there I don't even try to be attractive (I do use make-up in case someone is wondering, but I use it because of me) but I know I'm. Maybe it's because I smile and I love myself even I have excess kilos, and my hair style is just personal in this world with long-haired women.
Part of attractivity definitely is fact that I'm in love. I love, I'm loved and it shows. People want to have that feeling too and that's why they're attracted to me.
In fact it's bit crazy.
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