OK, I've lost the rest of my little mind... Someone has just got divorce verdict 2½ months ago and now... "...I want to get married..!" Yikes.
Well, as I'm "experienced"
I miss feeling of companionship, "All for one and one for all" attitude. And I'm very pro "To have and to hold... 'til death do us apart".
Maybe I live in some pink and fluffy dream world, maybe I am just plain practical. It depends so much on the view.
In fact this was not the first time, been thinking about that quite some time. First only because marriage is always one reason for an immigrant to reside legally, and because Sonnenschein mentioned it long time ago (If we don't count that fact that he proposed me twice last fall...) as an option... now I have no worries about that, I scared him by freaking out about it - I've never been very good with surprises and big commitments which come out of the blue - and since then he has been quiet about that matter. Which is a pity, really.
Apparently it also has to do with his fear of failing and losing me, his future and everything he dreams of (somewhere deep inside of his (sometimes very) icy shell).
I could jump -once again- to one conclusion:
I'm really getting committed... *
So, the rest of my life to me with one person... I hope. (And now just keep on hoping that no one messes this thing up. I'm so lovable when I'm pessimistic.)
* Or maybe I'm just losing my mind/ getting old.
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