Monday, 27 June 2005


It's almost my celibacy's six months anniversary (28th of June).

I haven't been in celibacy this long since I became sexually active (In other words after I "lost" my virginity). Which is odd as I have never been one-night-stand type. Ok, I have had my one nighters but without sex, so I assume they're not exactly one nighters to most...

Anyway, it has been a surprise how easy this has been. Surprise because I'm relatively sexual person, some would say that I'm nymphomaniac - which is more or less true. I just happen to enjoy sex.
With right person it's something... beyond description. But in that case it's love making and I'm not satisfied with anything less anymore - as nowadays I know that I've been always right in that matter.
That is something I learnt during my marriage. It takes great love to have great sex life.

Anyway, this celibacy has been very interesting experience as I've realized few things about power of human mind. One of those is that it's possible to make love with the person you love, even he's far away, as long as he's in your heart and mind. Of course nothing beats that feeling when you have your beloved next to you, feel his warmth and smell his scent.
In fact one huge part of love making is when after those about million orgasms you lay next to your loved one, caress his face and adore his beauty. That's something I miss... And lack of that is greatest defect in masturbating, physical loneliness after enjoyement.

So, I really don't miss sex. I miss making love with him even I don't know how it'll be... I miss his touch, warmth, scent, smile...

Darned. Sonnenschein, why you have to be so far away?

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