Friggin' great. My browser crashed just before I got my entry posted...

What we learnt from this boys and girls?
Always copy your entries in regular intervals to your
browser's notes... Anyway, I was writing about...
My SIL, part IIIt really annoys me when certain people seem to be uncapable to understand value of works of other's hands.
Long story but I try to make it short:
I cross stitched
Daisy Fairy as a christening gift to their youngest child couple of years ago. Difficult piece for a beginner - which I was back then - lots of colours, colour changes, bunch of similar shades, fractionals... you name it. Anyway... I mailed to my SIL 12 days ago and asked if she could take a pic of it and email it to me.
First of all she never answered to that mail, even she spends quite much time with computer daily. Then I IMed to her and asked did she received my mail. Yes, she said that she needs to buy new batteries to their digital camera and then she'll take that pic. OK, it was ok to me. I thought that no matter what I'll get that pic in few days...
Today I IMed her again because for certain reasons I do know that there's batteries in that camera...
It's in there, in renovation stuff pile... I'm not going to dig it from there..."
"Excuse me?!
In renovation stuff pile?!"
You know what I mean..."

Few things to mention about that:
1. She seems to be uncapable to understand even her mother tongue, which is quite alarming if you ask me.
2. Even I may sound bit übermensch I can say that I do know how this language works and how words should be interpreted in normal conversation.
3. I'm wondering how the hell she's survived last 30 years when she doesn't even seem to speak Finnish?
4. And, if she knows me as well as she claims, she should know that I never assume so I don't assume that she ment something else with her words than what she said.
5. They've been renovating last six weeks, she should have known that she wont get that pic even she got those batteries... In the other words she shouldn't have promised anything.
I'm having this bad feeling that something has happened to that little fairy. Ok, it's just piece of fabric and few metres of mouline but as I've made it I assume that people could even appreciate that hard work I've put to it. To be honest, I don't wait to get that picture - if I get it, I'll be amazed.
Maybe I'm paranoid or otherwise crazy. Who knows.
...and now for......something completely different? No, unfortunately no. More complaints about my SIL.
She has stucked into good old nineties. At least she seems to be blind to facts.
What has happened to you? We used to be so good pals..."
First of all,
what has happened to me?! Conclusion: she has not changed in ten years. What it tells about her?
So apparently it's odd that someone can change more or less drastically in ten years. Maybe I'm "bit" different now when I'm almost 26, and been trough things she could never understand, than I was in the mature age of sixteen. Those good old days when "we were so good friends".
To be honest I was unsecure little teenager who searched herself, of course I've changed as I've become "adult". That 16 year old hasn't never dated anyone and this person I am now has dated too much and divorced too many times (Once is too many times...).
That sixteen year old also thought that she's invincible, 26 year old knows that she's not.
During that ten years I've found my first BF, had sex for the first time, lost him, messed around with males, loved, had unattached sex, disappointed, realized that I'm more or less infertile, met a boy, got engaged and married, heard words which crushed my world, cheated because of revenge, tried so much, wanted to have a family, more or less left my husband, fell in love with someone else, dated, loved two men at the same time, broke up, got that one I really love, divorced... and also learnt to respect myself as me. Learnt that I don't need to please others, learnt that those real ones love me even I'm not the easiest person...
And I like this difficult bitch I'm nowadays.
Official off-topic of a day:I'm a
Rose Fairy according to Fairyscope, which is under
Fun section in
Flower Fairies web site.
Best and dearest flower that grows,
Perfect both to see and smell;
Words can never, never tell
Half a beauty of a Rose-
Buds that open to disclose
Fold on fold of purest white,
Lovely pink, or red that glows
Deep, sweet-scented. What delight
To be Fairy of the Rose.