It's interesting how some things grow on you.
My latest growth is Tom Tailor's New Experience ("female version").
I got a small sample bottle of it when N. bribed me last autumn (ok, it was a gift because I am so best *grin*) with CK's Be and now when the bottle (New Experience, Be is still alive and well) is officially empty I have got hooked to NE even I didn't like it at all when I tried it for the first time. O_o
Fortunately it seems to be rather reasonably priced so I can actually afford to buy it without finding another sugar daddy... (Not that I would mind a good quality sugar daddy... any takers? )
The interesting thing is that I am known as a person who can say do I like some scent just by looking at the bottle - and, even though NE's bottle is rather simplisistic I could never have guessed that I will like it.
Probably one of the reasons is... the colour. "Red scents" are usually rather teeny, and I haven't used any of the reds (scentwise) since I was... 13. (I exclude Jõvan (absolutely wonderful slightly flowery musk) because it has red/green bottle.)
I moved to black bottles i.e. very mature scents when I was sixteen and I have enjoyed my life in that category until now (by the way, Be is also in black bottle)...
Apparently this is part of the change I am going through. I have noticed lately some physical changes in me which shouldn't appear at this age... for example my nose is getting narrower and that shouldn't happen in mature age of 28 without surgeon's kind assistance.
Not that I am complaining, I have never liked my nose because it has been more of my father's nose (i.e. wide) than my mother's nose (narrow) and now I quite pleased with how it looks like (though I could still give few millimeters back to mother Nature).
In general I am becoming more and more alike my mother when time passes - which is all good (I can say that I have another 28 years left before I begin to look old in any sense - and probably longer as I take better care of my skin that my mother (one of those great traits in women of my family: we mature early, but still we stay young longer)).
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