Thursday, 16 August 2007


I got in that course!

They interviewed me in Tuesday and today I had an envelope waiting "You are one of the 16 out of 43 interviewed who got selected. Welcome". (I am sure that my age was one of the reasons: I have decades before I retire, it's wise solution in long run to help me to find the direction where to head.)
This means that I have things to do every week day from 22nd of August to 31st of December. Which also means that there won't be a dull moment in near future with the course and all the stitching and other stuff.

99% probability

I dare to diagnose myself: asthma.
The nurse show me how to use the peak flow meter and made me try three test blows (she has a blow job... harhar) and after that she checked that I take my attack medication correctly... before meds (though only about 40 minutes after my last fix) my highest was 540 and when I got back home my highest was 620... close enough for that 20% change they need for the diagnose I would say...
And the diagnose would mean that our Social Insurance Institution kind of has to pay my next degree (or rather my living while studying, studying is free in here anyway) because I can't work as a weaver even if I got a job (the dust, you know)...

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