Monday 26 September 2005

Bookmarks and other things.

It seems that I'll finish my bookmarks before sign up will be closed. (Of course I can't finish that winter one, as we know, but in theory) Done half of spring BM's crosses already, and I'm still sure about one thing: I've to do it for myself on black.


I don't know what causes it but sometimes chamomille tea comatizes me, and I don't understand why it is so.
For example today I just couldn't get up when my alarm clock (cell phone) rang. I slept four hours after it.

It's just bit awkward as I need to drink chamomille tea to be able to sleep, as I have brain overactivity phase again and you just can't sleep when your head is thinking about Universe and human oddities - or what you should do tomorrow...

In fact I'm like Elvis. I get stimulants (coffee) in the 'morning' to be able to wake up, and I need relaxants (chamomille tea) to be able to sleep. Lovely merry-go-round we have here, huh?


He asked something yesterday which bothers me. It has nothing to do with us, but it may have to do with him. Even he asked it from me it has to do with his mind and fears - I think.

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