Wednesday 7 September 2005


I don't like this. I think I'm anemic as everything annoys me and I'm just so friggin' tired all the time. Everything feels so lame and I couldn't care less.

Of course it'd be better for my possible anemia if I could still remember why people eat... as it seems that I've really forgot it.
I ran around the city 5 hours with two apples and cup of coffee as my energy sources. Those were only things I consumed in first ten hours of this day.
When I came home I ate little bit of fish, as I knew I had to. I was not hungry. I haven't been hungry in ages. Nor I have felt need to eat in ages.
When I eat, I eat because I have to eat to keep myself going.

Basically I'm powered by caffeine, H2O, magnesium and vitamin pills. Any other vitamin, energy and micronutrient source doesn't get that often into my body.
OK, I do eat 2-3 apples every day (at least I try to).

I could almost doubt that I'm bit anorectic.
Not physically as I have enough weight to get rid of, at this moment, but mentally... And to be honest, it's quite scary.

I just hope that I can keep myself in good enough shape not to get arhytmias again...

And I really do hope that I'll find my eating skills again. I know I'm not very nice person currently because my brains are lacking almost everything... (Fortunately I eat magnesium. Without it I'd be raving lunatic.)

At times like this I almost feel pity for Sonnenschein. He have to listen my stupidities and moping. But what wouldn't man do for love?

Anyway: Graah.

*note to self: learn to eat.*


I played with my paprika (what ever it's in English?) supply and dyed some aida and little amount of floss with it.
Now I just have to wash them... and see how well that colour stays.

Official Useless Link.

Could You Pass 8th-Grade Math?

I do that later, now I'm way too tired and... flegmatic.

Btw, I'm anemic because I'm menstruating and I'm quite good at imitating Niagara falls...

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