Wednesday, 30 January 2008

No wonder I feel so much better nowadays

When my peak flow was metered last time my morning flow was around 400 l/ min, usually under it (woman of my age and height should have around 440 l/ min). After four months of cortisone my morning flow has improved "a bit" and is closer to 600 l/ minute.
Asthma? In me? Oh, never, my lungs just react to cortisone treatment like asthmatic lungs should react.

The funny thing? The doctor who decides about my asthma diagnose at SII (a doctor who has never seen me is the one who decides am I really sick and can I get the 75% reimbursement of my medication - my GP can only state that he recommends the diagnose based on his experience on me and my symptoms) may decide that I am not asthmatic based on one little detail: my peak flow is way too good for an asthmatic female when I am properly medicated...
Well, let's see.

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