Thursday, 24 January 2008

Happy belated birthday to me!

Lookie what the mailman brought yesterday!


As I never received my share in the Birthday Exchange at the late The Robin's Nest Renée was so kind that she offered to stitch me a replacement and... it came yesterday! (I kind of like having birthday every six months or so - that would actually be fabulous exchange idea... The Second Birthday... what do you think?)
Renée stitched me The Victoria Sampler's July Birthday Needleroll and sent me a Mirabilia chart (I seem to have it already (my bad, I had forgot to strike it from my wish list), but I can always sell the one I already had and get a tiny piece of plane ticket with it ).

The interesting thing about the needleroll is that I have never cared for the design too much when I have saw the model (stitched on white), but as Renée stitched it on slightly coloured linen it looks absolutely beautiful! It's the contrast that lovely greyish green(ish blueish) linen provides that makes all the difference.
And it smells heavenly... I think this needleroll goes hanging to my closet for a while - a good stitcher has scented needlerolls in her closet, right? (In addition to the skeletons, of course...)

Thank you Renée! ^^

Speaking of TRN

I am so forgetful! I walked past PO yesterday and forgot to take Christine's RR with me so I could have sent it (finally) out! And this isn't the first time! I think I need to make a HUGE red note to my front door about that...


Look who came back home all the way from Australia! My little artichoke! ^^


  • Design: Artichoke Lace
  • Designer: Lady Periphaeria from Periphaeria Designs *grin*
  • Published in: The Gift of Stitching ezine, December 2007 issue
  • Fabric: 36 count Summer Khaki Newcastle linen
  • Floss: DMC's off-white (I can't remember the code now...)

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