Thursday, 31 January 2008


It's almost February! O_O

As usual strike and green equal a success. Orange is for "put some work to said piece, but not enough for a success", and red goes, as you guess, for a failure.

The goals for January were:

  1. Work on models. Done! Finished: Model 1, Model 2, Model 3 and Model 4 and Model #5 will be finished later today (if I just can keep myself away from the computer - I have spent two days glued to laptop because I have a plan..).
  2. Participate Stitch-A-Thon with Loy Krathong. Done! Not with Loy though.
  3. Additional achievements:

  4. Biscornu for ''January Biscornu Exchange''
  5. Designed little anniversary gift for/ from Periphaeria Designs (it will be availabe 14th of February (a bit early start, I know) , stay tuned!).
And the goals for February are:
  1. Work on models: must finish two before 14th.
  2. Participate Stitch-A-Thon (with Loy Krathong?).
  3. Start Here's to Ewe piece.
  4. Stitch Flashes of Gold at least a bit.
  5. Belated Christmas ornament for a friend at EMS board as her exchange partner apparently forgot the part of making and sending an ornament. (I didn't participate, but I felt bad for her and offered to stitch a replacement. )

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

No wonder I feel so much better nowadays

When my peak flow was metered last time my morning flow was around 400 l/ min, usually under it (woman of my age and height should have around 440 l/ min). After four months of cortisone my morning flow has improved "a bit" and is closer to 600 l/ minute.
Asthma? In me? Oh, never, my lungs just react to cortisone treatment like asthmatic lungs should react.

The funny thing? The doctor who decides about my asthma diagnose at SII (a doctor who has never seen me is the one who decides am I really sick and can I get the 75% reimbursement of my medication - my GP can only state that he recommends the diagnose based on his experience on me and my symptoms) may decide that I am not asthmatic based on one little detail: my peak flow is way too good for an asthmatic female when I am properly medicated...
Well, let's see.

Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Should I make them fluffy too?

For some reason I have this odd urge to stitch pink version of Ia! Ia!. Maybe lady just needs some pink tentacle monsters into her life every once in a while...
Coming to think of it I have one skein of pink VC silk (which I got from Dawn) in my personal stash and it might look interesting on that blood red 40 count Newcastle I acquired from Silkweaver over a year ago...

Monday, 28 January 2008

Valentine's Day came early!

Isn't this what we all need: Brodeuse en Pause (click on une Petite Brodeuse)

And to the business... Isn't it cunning how good mail comes when you aren't feeling good?
The asthma has been bugging me today so lovely stitchy mail was just what doctor ordered and this time it arrived in form of Valentine's Exchange from Dawn (some of you may remember that Dawn was my sender also in Mystery Exchange at late TRN).
She stitched me the cutest hearty snowman over one and finished it as a tiny box, which is just perfect for all kinds of little stitchy treasures.

AND she added some goodies (that cat calendar will go to my wall right away (my calendar wall may look interesting with the kitty calendar and the calendar of Chabad Lubavitch of Finland))!

Thank you again Dawn!


So 90's
  1. Which song reminds you most of the 90's?
    Quite a few actually.

  2. Do you remember where you were when you heard about Kurt Cobain?
    I can't say that I remember, but I assume I was at home.

  3. Were you ever known to sport a fanny pack?
    Wasn't that more of a late eighties thing?

  4. Which 90210 character was your favourite?
    Dylan McKay

  5. Do you own a troll doll?
    No and I never have owned one.

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Unconscious Mutterings

Week 260

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Booze:: Liquor
  2. Counter :: Under the...
  3. Action :: Movie
  4. Trial :: ...and error
  5. Wheelchair :: Dr. Finkelstein
  6. 1-800 :: Commercial
  7. Chop :: Chop Suey
  8. Relatives :: Family
  9. Bed sheets :: Should be changed
  10. Funnel :: Fennel

Saturday, 26 January 2008

HD #5

Fourth model done!

I also surprised myself by having a long awaited inspiration to doodle with my designing software, which also lead me to actually accomplish something, something I'd love to publish this year, but I don't know can I stitch the models fast enough to be in time. There is, of course, always the next year.
The suprising thing in the design(s) is that the theme was based on a request I got about a year ago. I am not usually too good with requests on themes I don't know (almost) anything about.

Nevertheless, I am happy that I have got my creative streak back - at least to certain extent. It's a sign of health (as much as a chronically ill person can be healthy), which is, after almost year's worth of illness, a relief.

Tomorrow will be finishing day, I have four models and one exchange item to finish off (or actually two exchange items, but as the other one is a model..) so there probably won't be much stitching done.

My supervisors

(That blue thing is my thigh...)

Friday, 25 January 2008

Something for your inner knitter...

Cass Knits! has a droolworthy giveaway of a copy of 'Glamour Knits At Home', which is, based on it's yummy looking cover, something to drool over even if you weren't a knitter (or if you are a bad knitter like I am (i.e. knows a bunch, but can't concentrate long enough to actually prove it)).

Want a chance? Go and comment! Right now! Shoo!

Exchange season!

It seems to me that spring is time for exchanges in my life. No matter how hard I tried I went and signed up to Here's to Ewe exchange at SBEBB as there's one complimentary design by $COMPANY I have wanted to stitch for so long.
Luckily it is very suitable design to use all the little bits of hand-dyed flosses I have laying around, so there's no need to adjust my savings campaign - now I just need to decide how to finish it...

And while talking of exchanges... I am planning to organize a little exchange over at FlossMoms during this spring. I know what item the exchange will cover, but I am in need of opinions about the theme still, so if you happen to be a member (or become one) pop by and vote.

1717: "If to love you is to die/ Then let me die a thousand times"

I once read that love is not that feeling when you can't live without someone, but when your life would be good without the person you share your life with, but the person you share your life with brings some pizzaz to your life.
I have come to understand that notion during the last few years.

Admittedly I have never been good in clinging in anyone (I am physically clingy, sometimes emotionally too, but I know when it's time to let go) so the basics have always been there. Probably I am just too lazy to waste my energy to someone who doesn't want to/ can't be with me.

I have given quite much thought for love as an aspect and on how love reflects into my life lately...

The main reasons for that are the truce with Sonnenschein, the SMS I got from Wolfie in New Year's Day and a conversation I had with mr. X (remember the guy I had a crush on about a year ago?) - mainly the two latter ones.
The SMS just told me what I knew and showed to me that I have traveled far since The City of Angels (the funny thing is that we both still love each other about as much as we used to - we are too alike, and probably we are only ones who can actually understand that fact about the two of us).
The chat with mr. X. was confusing in its way, but eventually I think I know what it told me... mr. X. ran away because he was scared of me and what he felt for me, and scared for those feelings I had for him. It's saddening, but it's not something I could change.

Wolf called me a paradox once "because you are as beautiful as you are intelligent" (for clarification: he considers me as a very intelligent person (that alone proves that there's something in wrong with him, right? *grin*)) and mr. X. surprised me by saying that I have both internal and external beauty - it was surprising because last time I "talked" to him we argued quite badly.
And those lead me, for about the thousand time, wonder what in me causes my singledom? As it seems to me that most who have seen who I really am run away, but still consider me as someone wonderful, someone good. Once again I wonder can it really be so scary to actually be kind-hearted and honest... and depraved as heck.

I have also come to wonder if love is anything else than a form of happiness, an illusion created by feeling good. (I am not saying that it would degrade love in any way if it is so, as I find it only naturally egoistic to keep those people close to us who provide us the feeling of happiness.)
If you think of it, you feel like being in love if you have a good time, the weather is nice and everything seems to go your way - even if you weren't in love, at least in conscious level. And even if you were in love you may not feel like it when the mailman bites your dog and neighbour's roses stomp on your kids... or was it vice versa? Anyway... in the days when nothing seems to work you may also lose the loving feeling.
What if it is lost just because you are not happy in that particular day? Known fact is that relationships tend to break during hardships, i.e. during times when you confront so many hardships during certain period that you just don't have room or time for happiness.

If I just could understand it all....

Thursday, 24 January 2008

The Coconut Fish Soup

Let me represent you:

The Coconut Fish Soup (Servings: a whole lot)

    300 grams of (frozen) cod, diced
    ~400 grams of sweet potato, diced
    ~300 grams of cauliflower (and its leaves), diced
    200 grams of broccoli, diced
    4-5 desilitres of lamb broth
    1- 1½ litres of water
    2 desilitres of coconut cream
    4 dried chilis
    3 tablespoons of curry powder
    1 teaspoon of garam masala
    Handful of seasalt (more of a grabful, you get the drift)
    10 - 15 freshly grinded black peppers
    1 spring onion, sliced
1. Strain the broth to a (big) kettle, add water, add the chilies, let it warm.
2. Take some of the liquid to a separate bowl and mix it with the curry powder. Put the curried broth back into the kettle.
3. Add the sweet potato, cauliflower, broccoli, spring onion and the pepper. Let simmer slowly under a lid until the veggies are al dente.
4. Add the fish and the cauliflower leaves. Take some broth into a bowl and mix it with garam masala. Pour it back to the kettle.
5. Add coconut cream and lower the heat (in 1-6 scale make it 2). Let it simmer gently until the fish is ready.
6. Taste, adjust the spices if necessary. Eat!

Happy belated birthday to me!

Lookie what the mailman brought yesterday!


As I never received my share in the Birthday Exchange at the late The Robin's Nest Renée was so kind that she offered to stitch me a replacement and... it came yesterday! (I kind of like having birthday every six months or so - that would actually be fabulous exchange idea... The Second Birthday... what do you think?)
Renée stitched me The Victoria Sampler's July Birthday Needleroll and sent me a Mirabilia chart (I seem to have it already (my bad, I had forgot to strike it from my wish list), but I can always sell the one I already had and get a tiny piece of plane ticket with it ).

The interesting thing about the needleroll is that I have never cared for the design too much when I have saw the model (stitched on white), but as Renée stitched it on slightly coloured linen it looks absolutely beautiful! It's the contrast that lovely greyish green(ish blueish) linen provides that makes all the difference.
And it smells heavenly... I think this needleroll goes hanging to my closet for a while - a good stitcher has scented needlerolls in her closet, right? (In addition to the skeletons, of course...)

Thank you Renée! ^^

Speaking of TRN

I am so forgetful! I walked past PO yesterday and forgot to take Christine's RR with me so I could have sent it (finally) out! And this isn't the first time! I think I need to make a HUGE red note to my front door about that...


Look who came back home all the way from Australia! My little artichoke! ^^


  • Design: Artichoke Lace
  • Designer: Lady Periphaeria from Periphaeria Designs *grin*
  • Published in: The Gift of Stitching ezine, December 2007 issue
  • Fabric: 36 count Summer Khaki Newcastle linen
  • Floss: DMC's off-white (I can't remember the code now...)

SBQ: The First Happy Dance

This week's

Stitching Bloggers' Question

Have you had a happy dance yet this year? If so, tell us about it! (Or just point to the entry that mentions it.) If not, when do you predict it will be?
I have not had just one happy dance, but four during this year.
The first one was a model for Periphaeria Designs' Valentine's Day's launch. It's a biscornu stitched on black linen with colours which can bring to mind a Western Finnish rekipeitto and I have to say that I am very pleased to it.

If you are curious you can find more about it by coming back to this blog in 14th of February or by subscribing to PD's newsletter.

Another post will follow later today, I got some wonderful mail yesterday.

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Ooh, lovelies!

Oh, my wish list will be SO long when I allow myself to buy new stash again... I want Little House Needleworks' "Coffee and Tea" series! And the "Silk Samplers"!


Back to stitching....

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Pinkish happy dancing!

Noticing how much I dislike pink it's interesting how much I use it nowadays...

I have also been plotting some things for Periphaeria's coming birthday - yes, PD will have its first birthday in March! Though the celebration will be started a bit earlier...

Monday, 21 January 2008

SAT epilogue

My goal for this month's Stitch-A-Thon was:
to finish the piece I am working on now (it’s about 15% done) and at least two other tiles (i.e. one full biscornu - I always stitch the tiles twice for them) during this SAT
I didn't quite make my goal, but I stitched remaining 90% of the first tile... (which means that I had a happy dance)

...and about 90% of the second tile:

Only slice pictures as these are both unpublished models and the other is an exchange item on top of it, so secrets have to be kept.

Sunday, 20 January 2008

Unconscious Mutterings

Week 259

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. President :: Election
  2. Stare :: Look at
  3. Embrace :: Entwine
  4. Movie :: Flick
  5. Everything :: All
  6. Profile :: Info
  7. Satire :: Pun
  8. Erratic :: Beat
  9. Costume :: Cosplay
  10. Secretary :: Staff

Saturday, 19 January 2008

Surprising advantages of asthma medication...

I happened to stumble upon this article while trying to find out is there some connection between cortisol levels and polycystic ovary syndrome.
My reason for the thought was that my cycle has got shorter and more balanced - and in addition to that I am almost PMS free, which, for a PCOs woman is a small wonder as we often have prolonged and worsened PMS - after I started cortisone inhalations.

Cortisol is an insulin antagonist, and according to the article (and the research) too low cortisol levels effect negatively to the testosterone production in ovaries... both problematic hormones for a PCOs woman.

Let me remind you why this all is such a good news: if the cycle is ~30 days or shorter it's likely that the woman ovulates regularly.
To most women it's obvious, even a nuisance, to some, like myself, it's something unbelievably great... For me it means that I may have the possibility to become a mother (even better: without any help from medical industry) some day.

Friday, 18 January 2008

It's breakfast time!

Friday's Feast:

Feast One Hundred & Seventy Six

    Appetizer: What is your favorite beverage?

    Soup: Name 3 things that are on your computer desk at home or work.

    1. Cell phone (Nokia 3100, pink).
    2. Old (from seventies or so) Donald Ducks.
    3. Cross stitch project.

    Salad: On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how honest do you think you are?
    9½. I am honest to a fault in general.

    Main Course: If you could change the name of one city in the world, what would you rename it and why?
    No comments.

    Dessert: What stresses you out? What calms you down?
    I find insecurity stressful. Calming effect... cross stitching, good conversations (I have had those quite much recently ^^ - good flirting counts for good conversation too... *cough*), music.

Thursday, 17 January 2008

Things really change...

While doing a slight inventory of stuff to get rid of I had a thought to browse through all my cross stitch magazines and sell the ones which have nothing of interest in them... I think I am sick.
But then, I see no point in having loads of useless magazines hanging around if I could make some money and acquire some more free space by selling them...

I think I finally found some use for my eBay account...

SBQ: A Good Companion

Today’s absolutely magnificent

Stitching Bloggers' Question

was suggested by yours truly and is:
What is your favorite past time while stitching? Do you just enjoy silence, listen to music/audiobooks or do you “watch” TV/ movies? Do you have specific favorites you listen to/ watch while stitching?
I came up with this question while watching The Negotiator for the dozenth time while stitching as I find the movie absolutely wonderful stitching companion.

I prefer music, movies and TV series as a stitching companion because silence has the bad habit to distract me (you can easily deduce my current health from my Last.FM profile: if I don't listen music I am probably quite sick).

Lately I have noticed that movies/ TV series provide me with better level of concentration because they have the noise and the motion, which keeps my brains nicely distracted (no, I don't watch them in terms of watching, but I see the movement on the upper part of my field of vision).
I do also love to listen audiobooks or music, either from my desktop computer (which is at the moment out of order as its power went while I was at my mother's - note: it was turned off when that happened), laptop or from Last.FM (my profile for curious, you can also find my personal radio station from there *wink, wink*. I actually also have stitching tunes tag in there..).

In general my favourite stitching companions are House M.D, The Negotiator, Dexter, Black Adders (I, II, III, IV season), Exorcist: The Beginning (I honestly do think that that is the best of the Exorcist movies) and various Last.FM's tag radios.

By the way, The Competition is open only until 1st of February so remember to take part. *wink*

Images from the stay-over

Kitty-Get-Together tag at my Twango.
By clicking the images of individual cats you get to their tag page (though Twango arranges the images from oldest to newest, which is a bit of a PITA with my cats).


Quotes and NHNTDWIs (Need-Has-Nothing-To-Do-With-Its)

"Laughter is the closest distance between two people."
-- Victor Borge

"Character is what you have left when you've lost everything you can lose."
-- Evan Esar

"The inner fire is the most important thing mankind possesses."
-- Edith Södergran

"Not the power to remember, but its very opposite, the power to forget, is a necessary condition for our existence."
-- Sholem Asch


"Le Jardin de Plaisir" by the Long Dog Samplers. (I also like "Wachet Auf", though I would change the colour scheme.)

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Why aren't we surprised?

Snatched from Jenna

Which Beautiful Vampiress Am I?

The Temptress

You are the one who comes into people's dreams at night to drive them mad with desire.
You are sultry, sexy, and passionate. Others find you hypnotic.

You have the sort of smoldering eyes and bedroom glances that are the stuff of legend.

What's so scary about you: Like sweet poison, you are addictive and deadly.

Your gemstone: Garnet.

Your moon: Rose Moon (July)


Ask from my victims, they might agree with this... at least I do. *evil laughter*

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Evil Enabling

By the way, are you aware that Ellen Maurer-Stroh is having a sampler SAL during 2008 and provides the pattern for free, as monthly installments?
You aren't? Then click here and start collecting. ^^

And while you are there, try to crack the safe. If you get the combination right your stash will benefit from it.

Monday, 14 January 2008

Garçon, Double Memesy, s’il vous plaît

The Plan

I do love the strong euro as it makes shopping so much cheaper.
Last night I finally got fed up with the continuous sinus problems and as I have heard good things about Neti pots I decided to give it a try.

I chose stainless steel after reading's material comparison and ordered this baby:

It's interesting really: every time when I have had a flu, and nowadays just sinus problems, I have wanted to wash the sinus blockage away with salt water... I just hadn't heard about Neti pots and saline baths for sinuses before this year.
Human body seems to know what's good for it, hopefully. At least I am really waiting to give the Neti a try.

Sunday, 13 January 2008

Another Happy Dance - and some gorgeous mail!

I was kindly enabled by a co-staff member at EMS Cross Stitch Forum and I just had to participate the January Biscornu Exchange (you can't miss a chance to stitch a biscornu, can you?) with a theme of blue.
I am happy to announce that it's now stitched, and will be assembled when I get these bandaids off (within few fays, I think). The design is one of my own and I chose blue linen for it, but that's all I am going to tell before it arrives to its new home.
But, here's a tiny teaser...

Surprise Stash Attack!

Stash fairy surprised me and sent some lovely stashy mail!

Thank you! secret stash fairy!

And the next project... Valentine's Exchange item, which is also a model for the forthcoming launch.
I had to tweak the colours I originally designed for the design, but I am very pleased how it's coming out. I can reveal that it is stitched on black linen with lovely springy colours and it does have hearts to justify becoming the Valentine's Exchange item.

It's actually odd that I have stitched quite much during last few days, noticing that I have spent most of my time sleeping...