Thursday, 6 December 2007

Happy public holiday and SBQ

i.e. our Lady, Finland (Finland is always referred as Maiden because ot its shape - though since we lost Petsamo to Russia our lady has had only one arm), has reached mature age of 90 as an independent country and I have a day off.

Therefore.... Today's

Stitching Bloggers' Question

was suggested by Nancy and is:
What tips would you give to a new stitcher to help her stitch faster and neater while still keeping it enjoyable?
  1. Choose a design you really like, not something which is said to be easy and suitable for an unexperienced stitcher (though, if I were you, I'd leave TWs and Châtelaines for next year). But, I recommend that you start with smallish design so you can get the gratification from finishing it soon - it's important in this phase, even more than it will be in future.
  2. Choose a fabric you like, it doesn't always have to be white aida. (I got really hooked when I stitched on linen for the first time.)
  3. Don't knot your ends, but start with a loop whenever you can and always weave the end of the floss under few stitches (three is usually sufficient).
    Though, knotting the ends is a good idea if you use blending filament with cotton, that way they won't slip and are very easy to stitch with. In that situation attach the knotted end by weaving under few stitches and after you have made few stitches with cut the knot off.
  4. Bottom legs go always to same direction, top legs go always to the same, yet other direction.
  5. There is no right way to place your bottom and top legs, as long as they form a cross.
  6. Keep your tension. If you can't keep it while stitching on hand buy a good snap frame (as they are easiest to use).
  7. Invest on some good quality materials and tools: scissors (preferably 2-3 pairs; one for metallics, one for cotton, one for silk), medium sized or small frame, some 26 needles (platinum is the best) and a good working light. (Doesn't need to be a daylight lamp, I use regular bulb in one of Ikea's lamps and it works wonders - apparently because the inside of the sphere is white.)
  8. Practise makes perfect.
  9. Send the family out, close the computer, turn off the cell, take the phone off... turn on your favourite music or movie and have fun!

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