I am not quite sure which I should blame for not gushing about Mr.Wonderful all the time: superstition or the fact that I feel very peaceful nowadays. Or maybe it's partly both, probably I am just afraid somewhere deep in me that if I gush about him I invite bad luck and eventually lose my lovely state of mind.
And I really like this state of mind I am at: I feel balanced and hopeful. First time in long, long time I actually have a feeling of having a future and life seems easy, comfortable.
Though, fact is that we haven't had time to have real hardships (we have only knew each other since middle of July), but in my opinion living on opposite sides of Europe is a hardship - even though long distance relationship also has its advantages as we are able to appreciate the time we spend together more and we learn to communicate better as we base our communication mostly on emails.
Basically we are quite good communicators, but some extra practise never hurt anyone.
What really has surprised me is that this whole relationship feels so easy. I am not used to that so it is somewhat of a cultural shock, but I am not complaining, on the contrary. It just is difficult to understand that a relationship can actually be easy. o.O
Let me rephrase: this relationship is easy for both of us, but I am quite sure there's at least one person in my immediate family who will very likely have issues with it and therefore cause stress to me: our father. (Though, if so it's not relationship induced, it will be stupidity induced...)
Our father does know that he's British (by birth), but he may not have realized from my avatar in our family's forum (cut of our eyes from one couple picture we took before Mr.Wonderful left) that he's a man of colour (he's of Afro-Caribbean origin) and when our father realizes that... I am prepared to hear all kinds of [nasty word] from him when it eventually dawns on him.
Other possibility is that our father has realized that Mr.Wonderful is somewhat () darker than I am, but he (our father) may not realize that our relationship is serious (let me see: we love each other, it is obvious for both of us that we will get married some day, we are planning to move together soon-ish (before 2010), we are talking of kids etc. - all the things every couple is talking about after knowing each other barely two months
) despite the distance.
And when he does realize that we are intending to stay together and have that normal setting called a family he may go berzerk (I am rather surprised if he doesn't - and I know I wouldn't be the only surprised one) and let some huge, ugly frogs out of his mouth. (Though I doubt there is not enough man in our father to say what he thinks directly to Mr.Wonderful... big, muscular men, like Mr. Wonderful, tend to be scary.)
Luckily I know that those who matter wouldn't mind even if he was from Mars, had googly eyes and five legs - as long as he keeps me happy and treats me well.
It just boggles my mind how some people can be as ignorant as our father (I reserve the right to say that based on previous experiences with him): it's just pigment, not an illness.
Honestly speaking my father seems to be great inventing reasons why my partner isn't "suitable" regardless how perfect son-in-law they'd make, so it's not all about the skin... but it will give him "good" reason to dislike my SO.
But, he should also know that if he doesn't accept my better half he won't accept our kids either and therefore his changes to meet his grandkids from my side aren't very good... Though I am not quite sure is that an issue to him, as anyway, if Mr.Wonderful and I have children they are mixed and I am, unfortunately, quite sure that it's one of the things why he (our father) has had issues with my partners during last few years.
In the end it's not a problem as such. We can simply avoid dealing with him. What saddens me is that if my father is still idiot in that way he takes away the only grandfather our children will have - but I am not willing to be in good terms with him just because I want our children have grandfather: I rather stay and keep the kids away from him than give our kids grandfather who despises their father because of his ethnicity - and therefore our kids.
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