... not that there was such thing as a good soap opera.
As you know my brother is divorcing (from what I know they can actually be divorced by now, the consideration period has, in my opinion, ended some time ago) from his wife. And everything we thought has proven to be true - and then some more.
Since my brother moved out following things have happened:
- SIL had promised to take kids with her when she went to enjoy Midsummer... but my brother received a phone call from SIL when she had packed the kids (all four) into car and SIL announced that she won't take their son with her.
In other words she disowned her own child. Which, in my not so humble opinion, is a disgrace. - SIL has been drinking heavily ever since my brother moved out.
- There has been six complaints about mistreating of children to social services regarding SIL: only two of them are by my brother. This implies that even other people are worried...
- SIL is unable to take care of her daughters (their son lives with my brother, who, as far as I know, has whole custody for the boy): we heard that their eldest (who's not even eleven yet) has been taking care of her siblings. She has been the one who has taken care of the hygiene of the youngest ones and the kids have had to steal food to be fed. In addition to this the house is a real mess.
- Some time ago the girls called to my brother in one night because they were afraid: turns out that mommy was drinking, there was also other people in the house, and my brother called police and social services. When the police came they tested SIL with alcometer: she was drunk, her blood alcohol levels were close to 2 &permil - the kids would have been taken into custody if there had been any place to take them to (my brother lives on the other side of the country at current as he had to "escape" the whole mess to protect my nephew (poor kid has asthma and it doesn't like the stress at all) so he couldn't take them). So, cops emptied the house and ordered SIL to sleep herself sober.
Her mother claims she isn't an alcoholic - well, maybe not in her mother's opinion as she is an alcoholic herself.
- Girls and SIL are now customers of social services, which doesn't bode good for SIL's maternal rights in future - I really hope my brother could get the kids. Based on everything he has been single father of four minors and one adult (SIL) so he could manage with all the kids - as his SO is good with the kids, we know.
And honestly, the kids seem to like her and she's quite good handling them, so it's all good.
And yesterday I heard something which really stunned me... SIL is in relationship with my first boyfriend!
Let me tell few things about the issue of my ex (I am not bitter, these are unfortunate facts (I'm just happy M. left me back in... 1996)):
- He's really not the brightest bulb. (You know, really.)
- He's very unyielding, intolerant and he has the hidden side of uncontrolled rage. (During the six months we were together he was physically abusive once, not much, but still. (The story behind it is that when I was 16 I wasn't over my childhood, and in addition to that I have VERY overactive sense of self-protection, so one day he came into a room I thought was empty (I was facing the window, doing something) and he scared me. I kicked him, instinctually, which, of course means that I didn't mean it, I was just so used to be prepared to protect myself back then. And that is when he got mad, even I explained the issue to him, even he know about my past... he didn't leave any marks, so maybe we can't say he was physically abusive, but the situation was very threatening.)
- He's LOUSY lover and in addition to that not that well equipped - they say that size does not matter... it does when man is equipped poorly enough...
(Admittedly it's handy when the said guy is the one who takes your virginity: hurts less. *grin*)
He also thinks that woman should give him oral sex, but he won't give it back because female genitalia is dirty... oh, yeah. - He is either still living at home (you know, with his mother) or has only recently moved on his own: he's 34.
- Personal hygiene is completely unbeknownst aspect to him. (Ok, he does brush his teeth daily, but that's all... I had to teach him to use deodorant back in stone age.)
In addition to this I know that M. hasn't dated before this since he left me, 12 years ago, so I think he's just plain desperate - as I think is she as I can't see any other reason for her mind to change that fast (as I know she knows all the listed things about him).
Maybe they deserve each other...
Anyway, what else can I say that the happenings of late make life sound like a soap opera. I am just waiting to find out that Mr. Wonderful is actually related to us (not very likely though, he's Brit with afro-caribbean roots, but you never know..).
But, at least you can't say that life has been boring lately...
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