Sunday, 12 October 2008


At least I can say that I get enough hours: today I will be working 9 hours (why wouldn't I, I get 19,20 €/h because it is Sunday), get back home very late, get to sleep about 5 hours before I have to wake up and head back to work again.

Admittedly I am a bit tired, but I am slowly getting used to this pace so some day I will have energy to stitch again. Now I just hope that no one gets sick before/ at Wednesday so I can have my day off then, sleep late (9 am is late, right? ) and concentrate on household chores and stitching. (I haven't blogged about my new, lovely stash either so it's time for that too then!)


Masa has found a new hobby this week: hunting birds.
As it's getting cold I have started winter feeding local birds and even the fat balls are hanging high some seeds fall on the balcony floor and some birds eat the seeds from the floor... and Masa, when he's out, can attack them.
I managed to save one bird from Masa when he brought it inside alive (it was able to fly so I let it go), but yesterday he brought a dead bird in.

Of course I let him to eat it, even at first he didn't seem to be too interested of his snack: I had to put boys outside and throw the bird with them, after some playing with the corpse Masa did the right thing and ate it.

Nowadays Masa has a collar with a little jingle bell in order to warn the birds about him.

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