Friday, 31 October 2008

Didn't I say something?

I saw a doctor in Monday... In his opinion there was nothing in wrong with me (despite my erratic breathing and high fever), but the doctor ordered some basic blood tests.

I called my results in Tuesday and even though my CRP was completely normal (keep this in mind for the rest of this entry) my white cell count and other infection indicator were up so the nurse thought that it might be an idea if a doctor calls me.
She called and because of my blood test results she wanted to listen my lungs and take my peak flow before prescribing anything.
So, in Wednesday morning I booked an acute appointment and despite my peak flow being 600l/ min (my normal is nowadays 650l/min) my lungs sang the song of infection which lead to a course of antibiotics and sick leave until 3rd of November (that is the last day off) because I have... bronchitis.

So, when I am one step from pneumonia my CRP is completely normal. This is another oddity that runs in the family: my mother has the same interesting feature in her body (though it can be caused by asthma medication as cortisone is anti-inflammatory drug) and I am sure I will have some fun times in future because of this...

Anyway, 11 days after I first noticed being sick my fever is finally getting lower, albeit slowly. Today (or yesterday actually, but my circadian rhythm has suffered a bit from the medication as it (in addition to coughing my lungs out) makes me sleeeeeeeeepy) I haver actually felt almost alive again...

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