Friday, 31 October 2008

Happy Samhain i.e. suitable seasonal exchanges

I have heard that my Halloween ornament has been received by Amaali in Malaysia and my Pumpkin Patch item has been received by Tuula so it is time for some stitchy content.



Either picture isn't too bad because they have been taken in evening and during this season that means using flash and not so good pictures.

Didn't I say something?

I saw a doctor in Monday... In his opinion there was nothing in wrong with me (despite my erratic breathing and high fever), but the doctor ordered some basic blood tests.

I called my results in Tuesday and even though my CRP was completely normal (keep this in mind for the rest of this entry) my white cell count and other infection indicator were up so the nurse thought that it might be an idea if a doctor calls me.
She called and because of my blood test results she wanted to listen my lungs and take my peak flow before prescribing anything.
So, in Wednesday morning I booked an acute appointment and despite my peak flow being 600l/ min (my normal is nowadays 650l/min) my lungs sang the song of infection which lead to a course of antibiotics and sick leave until 3rd of November (that is the last day off) because I have... bronchitis.

So, when I am one step from pneumonia my CRP is completely normal. This is another oddity that runs in the family: my mother has the same interesting feature in her body (though it can be caused by asthma medication as cortisone is anti-inflammatory drug) and I am sure I will have some fun times in future because of this...

Anyway, 11 days after I first noticed being sick my fever is finally getting lower, albeit slowly. Today (or yesterday actually, but my circadian rhythm has suffered a bit from the medication as it (in addition to coughing my lungs out) makes me sleeeeeeeeepy) I haver actually felt almost alive again...

Monday, 27 October 2008

Happy dance!

I am surprised to be on time with my Pumpkin Patch exchange item despite of being sick for the last week.

But that is about the only thing to do happy dance for: I have had fever for six days now. I went to ER yesterday where they did a quick check of my CPR and fever: CPR normal, fever 37,4° C which is a lot for me.
"Go home and see your doctor in Monday if you still have fever."

I feel worse than I have felt during last week and my symptoms are getting more interesting and much more taxing. I am also quite sure that I will get coming week off too in form of sick leave...
There are reasons why I am a bit worried: my asthma, I have genetic tendency to have feverless pneumonia, my menses are almost week late when being sick has never affected to my cycle (no, I am not pregnant (I've tested) ) and I have never had fever this long... And I kind of miss work already.

So, I will probably spend good part of my day off tomorrow by being examined and waiting... and I am prepared to demand a course of antibiotics, no matter what the doctor says. I just want to get better.

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Rose Sampler WIP

I had some extra energy in Thursday and I worked with Rose Sampler (I also learned how to stitch when laying on my side in bed ).

That light green isn't s yellow as it seems to be in the picture and I need to figure out something to fill out the gap between the roses and the top of the frame.

Few additions....

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Her Highness The Old Lady

A bit over a year ago she was still looking like a well fed, sleek cat:

This is how she looks nowadays:

She looks healthy, her fur is shiny and soft, but she's slowly fading away. When she came eight years ago she weighed six kilos, nowadays she's barely four and even though she eats well (canned food 2-3 times a day and some dry food when she feels like it) she's slowly getting thinner.

I am quite certain she has cancer, but why I don't take her to see a vet? Because she's almost 15 years old the chances are thin that she would get operated or if she did her chances to survive through the operation would be as thin.
She's not in pain, she's happy, she eats well and takes care of herself, so I have decided that even she probably has cancerous tumor somewhere I am not even trying to cure her: she is an old cat and very old Siamese and I believe that she has the right to live rest of her life with dignity, without operations which could kill her and without me knowing for sure that she is terminally ill.
If/ when she becomes too weak to take care of herself or has apparent pains I will take her to the vet and do the right thing.

I just believe that she has a right to enjoy the rest of her days without any excess stress.


I started to feel sick day before yesterday, but as I didn't have fever I went to work... at work my fever spiked to 37,7°C, which is a lot for me, but I stayed until the end of the shift as I didn't want to leave my colleague alone to handle the whole place.

Yesterday I saw a doctor and... Idiopathic Upper Respiratory Infection and sick leave until 25th.

Financially this is the worst timing as the sickness benefit from my employer is only 50% of my wage because I haven't been working long enough (one month) - but, on the other hand it's better to suffer financially than let this thing develop into something serious.

At least I have more time to stitch...

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Stash and quotes

The long-awaited stash!

You may ask "What's the thing with those Schooler Santas then?" and I have to admit that I am not quite sure. I just like them as they are different from regular santa designs as they have an idea behind them (and well, the fact that I am in love with an Anglican may have something to do with it).

I have been doing household chores today and when I threw the trash out I found something very useful from the trash shed: look at these babes.

Yes, they are wine boxes. In other words they used to be wine boxes and nowadays they are stash boxes.

The natural coloured is a real box with hinges and clasp, the black one has sliding top, but still it is very useful for stitchy stuff.

Few quotes about long-distance relationships

Originally from here.

"To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive. "

"Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will."

"There is no long distance about love, it always finds a way to bring hearts together no matter how many miles there are between them.

"Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss."

"When you feel alone, just look at the spaces between your fingers, remember that in those spaces you can see my fingers locked with yours forever."

"So close your eyes and sleep to dream. I'm by your side. No words to speak. We'll set our course and make it through. No matter how far I go, my heart remains with you."

"It's not the distance that counts, it's the love."

And one from yours truly, from few years back: "Distance is just a word."

It isn't a surprise that I miss Mr. Wonderful quite a great deal, he has been on the road for five weeks now (two weeks from now he returns to Europe! ) and because of the circumstances we haven't been able to be in contact as much as we would have wanted to - or are used to.
But it makes us appreciate each other even more. Of course I can only talk about myself and I have to say that during these weeks I have grew to understand how deeply he has got into me even we haven't knew each other that long. Days just miss something when he's not part of them (in addition being in my thoughts constantly, that is).

No, I am not getting mushy. I have been mushy since late July or so, I just have tried to hide it well.

Monday, 20 October 2008

I am still on the face of Earth

My week just has been "wake up - get to work - come home - go to bed" kind, even in Wednesday as greedy me worked in Wednesday too. And I have just realised that I haven't even started one exchange item which needs to be sent out soon... o.O
At least I know what I do in my days off in coming week.

The job is otherwise nice, but I think that our soon-to-be-former store manager has no foreman skills whatsoever. He doesn't seem to understand that I can't simply know everything yet and doesn't bother to actually show and explain how things are done, he just does them and apparently thinks that I should be able to do things after that...
Luckily my other co-workers are way better tutors and we have a new store manager already in training at work so soon the only issue with work will go away. (I am just dreading couple of evening shifts as I have to work with the soon-to-be-ex store manager - I am not saying that he's that bad of a person, but he is not a even close to be a good foreman and that is why I have come to dread working with him.)

I may be evil, but I have to say that I am pleased when he's gone as I can finally concentrate on the finer sides of working life.

So, today I have a day off. I should have had day off in Wednesday, but I am greedy and do an evening shift (few extra euros/ hour are very inspiring) so my next day off is Sunday - but next week I have three days off (unless someone gets sick) - and I spend my precious day off doing household chores.

I know that I promised to blog about my new stash, but I haven't had time - or rather energy - to do it, but let's see, maybe I get it done later today.

Sunday, 12 October 2008


At least I can say that I get enough hours: today I will be working 9 hours (why wouldn't I, I get 19,20 €/h because it is Sunday), get back home very late, get to sleep about 5 hours before I have to wake up and head back to work again.

Admittedly I am a bit tired, but I am slowly getting used to this pace so some day I will have energy to stitch again. Now I just hope that no one gets sick before/ at Wednesday so I can have my day off then, sleep late (9 am is late, right? ) and concentrate on household chores and stitching. (I haven't blogged about my new, lovely stash either so it's time for that too then!)


Masa has found a new hobby this week: hunting birds.
As it's getting cold I have started winter feeding local birds and even the fat balls are hanging high some seeds fall on the balcony floor and some birds eat the seeds from the floor... and Masa, when he's out, can attack them.
I managed to save one bird from Masa when he brought it inside alive (it was able to fly so I let it go), but yesterday he brought a dead bird in.

Of course I let him to eat it, even at first he didn't seem to be too interested of his snack: I had to put boys outside and throw the bird with them, after some playing with the corpse Masa did the right thing and ate it.

Nowadays Masa has a collar with a little jingle bell in order to warn the birds about him.

Friday, 10 October 2008

Well II

The basic training is now over and today I will head to my official work place and spend good bit of the day learning post office duties - I may be cashier in the contract, but there's so much more to it than you can imagine.
The hourly pay is better than I expected and I am guaranteed average minimum of 30 h/ week (at least 120h/ 4 weeks) which means that I know that there is enough coming each month to pay the necessities and everything over that (Sundays, evenings, Saturday evenings etc.) is just nice addition.

Though the minus side at this moment is that I don't have enough energy to even think of stitching when I get back home as I have headed to bed almost right away when I have come home, but that will change when I get into the rhythm.

Mr. Wonderful

My poor dear called yesterday and he sounds so tired... I just hate it that I can't be there making his life a bit less stressful as it is not good for his health to work that much - though, when he comes here I will pamper him to bits (though I think he may do that too as I am working when he's here - I anticipate some yummy home cooking from his side).

24 days to go until he returns to Europe, and few more until he comes, HOPEFULLY!, here! (I am still not sure does he actually get the time off - I am not sure does he know it officially either, but you need something to hang on.)
That is a wonderful thought, to have my sweetheart here again. ^^

Wednesday, 8 October 2008


The interview went well.

In other words I am getting prepared for work, starting with two days of training (I have been working in the conglomerate before so their system is basically familiar to me, it just has been few years since so I need to be re-trained) before being assigned to my actual location.
Based on what I have heard there will be enough™ work to do even my contract will be signed for 30 h/ week (overtime pay is a wonderful thing - as are evening, Saturday and Sunday (2x 9,30€/ h, guess who is more than willing to work in Sundays?) pays). 30h/ week contract secures those 30 hours so I am able to actually plan my finances.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Guess why I like over one so much?

As I may have mentioned I was indifferent with this design at first, but during the months it grew in me and Linda and I planned a little miniature stitch-a-long of it, which eventually evolved to be Ellen's Rose Sampler for Late Bloomers at EMS Cross Stitch Board.

Since the very first time I saw this design I knew that if I ever stitch it I will stitch it multi-coloured on black fabric and here is how the first take looks like.

Doesn't it look so intricate stitched on one? I am really pleased with my decision to stitch this over one, it will be gorgeous when finished.

And by looking at the colour choices you could almost think that I have certain signature colour scheme...

Yeah, I know I am sick...

Did I tell you that I placed an order at 1-2-3 Stitch! last week? My excuse is that I wanted to get the JCS ornament issue - and I happened to find few Schooler Santas from the clearance bin... and then couple of designs just kind of stuck... honestly the order was under 30 euros!


It seems to me that I am riddled with lousy luck regarding employment at this moment: the job was told to be 5 days a week from this week forward. B*llocks, I say. I found out in Sunday that there's nothing for this week.

Luckily I had applied to my old employer last week when I met an old work mate of mine and he told they need more staff - today I received a call from the company and I have an interview tomorrow morning.
I know that he has a place thought for me already so unless I screw up the interview very badly I should get a new job.

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Design It Yourself Biscornu Exchange

I got to hear few days ago that my little biscornu had arrived safely to Sandra in Venezuela and that she loved the little jewel I had sent to her!

The design is, as the exchange name reveals, designed by me and now that it has been received I intend to publish it later this year as a complimentary design (/me thinks it would make a wonderful wintery ornament stitched on icy fabric with white floss and white metallic).


  • Design: Anonymous at the moment
  • Designer:Lady Periphaeria of Periphaeria Designs
  • Fabric: 32 count Wild Raspberry linen
  • Flosses: DMC 3802 and Kreinik #4 braid 007
It looks much better in person and I have to admit that I had difficulties to send it away, but I also knew that it would get a good home at Sandra's so off it went with some extra goodies Sandra can't find from Venezuela (Dinky Dyes silk, Atalie's silk, some Crescent Colours cottons, piece of linen and The Courtyard of Alhambra).