Tuesday 23 August 2005

What has been up to lately?

Well, as I haven't been updating very much here's little glance to what has been up to lately.


I participated to one more stich along in Dragonfly Stitches.


Is -once again- afraid that I leave him, just because I happen to be bit tired to this long-disctance stuff.
Though he knows I can't leave him, and why would I? I love him.
Missing him like hell is just something which belongs to this phase.

I just wait that day when he arrives.

In general.

I've been watching my mom's cats last days. Been stitching like idiot, and haven't got even half of my scheduled tasks done. I just need more hours to a day. (Not to mention that I want my sleeping rhytm and appetite back.)

For some reason it feels that I have more to say, but I just can't remember what I have been saying... so more later.

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