Monday 15 August 2005


It seems that my weight is really going down... without any actual dieting or weight-loosing related stuff.

~9 kilos since beginning of May. So, either it is all about getting almost too much proteins from my diet, or then it is my PCOs.
If it is my PCOs, it means that my PCOs has good phase - or it's getting better in general. Which would be great thing. I'm really not very fond of idea of getting diabetes in age of thirty just because of my lousy genes, so if this keeps going on my risk of getting DM II reduces.
In case it has to do with my allergy... then I can say that there's something good in it in the end (Though I'd give this friggin' thing away any day). And if this goes on my PCOs will like it, as losing some weight is good to PCOs woman's fertility (not to mention that DM II risk...).
Which means.... babies.

Who knows, maybe I lose weight just because of Sonneschein?

Anyway, whatever that reason is I'm glad.
Not for aesthetic reasons, just because of my health and fertility - and because I know that for PCOS woman it's ten times harder to get rid of one's excess kilos (those kilos which this syndrome gives to us...) than it'd be if we were 'healthy, normal' women.

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