Wednesday, 16 December 2009

1999: Exotism?

There is certain form of prejudice, which makes me annoyed quite... well, too often.

For some reason (too) many people seem to think that someone who seems to date exclusively out of their own ethnicity/ culture is purposely looking for someone "exotic" and disregard the possibility that one can be interested about everything else but person's ethnicity or culture of origin. (Like, even it is a shocking idea, their personality and core values.)

And why aren't they assuming such things (purposely looking for....) when someone is dating exclusively their own ethnicity/ culture?

As an example: when I dated exclusively Finns, no one ever asked why I do it or assumed anything based on it. It was obviously supposed that I would, being a Finn myself, date men of Finnish origin. And coming to think of it, it is a disturbing thought. (Though I find many things disturbing - and my regular readers know that people assuming things is one of my thousands of pet peeves.)
Whereas when dating men of non-Finnish origin I have encountered certain assumption of exotism.

Though, the assumption of exotism is yet another proof that people are basically eerily similar in their ways to think: coming from all ethnicities, genders, cultures etc. it could be considered as a refreshing experience - as long as you keep the whole issue out of your personal life.

I mostly encountered following during the single period between 2006 - 2008, mainly because that was the longest period I have ever been without relationship in my adult life: many men seemed to have this urge to know had a woman they found attractive ever been with a man of enquirer's ethnicity - and I found it extremely annoying. Why it would matter had I or had I not? There is no way to know about how it would be with person X if you have dated person Y even if they were of same ethnicity and/or culture so why would it matter? Or is this just all about I-want-to-be-the-first-man-of-X-in-your-life syndrome? (One of the many reasons why I love Mr. Wonderful was that He never asked such a thing - but He is a practical man: he doesn't care about who I have been with before Him, He just wants to be the last man in my life (yet another thing we have in common). )

Interestingly enough this was mostly a phenomenon of dating sites, regardless, or because of it, my profiles always stating that I was open for contact regardless person's ethnicity.
Admittedly during that time I had a profile at one site which was more or less focused on people who were looking for interracial relationship... maybe it fooled some to assume things about my preferences even though my only reason to register there, or any other dating site, was to expand my search as I was very aware that it's more likely for me to find a life partner, my future Husband, from somewhere else than Finland.
This was as much statistical as it was (and is) a cultural issue - being brought up outside my "native" culture made me a dating outcast in this homogenous society.

But I digress.

Those who have read my blog are aware of the issues I have had with my father regarding his obvious assumption of my exotistic character and/or his obvious issues with people of any other ethnicity/ culture than his... nothing more to say about him, though I am not eagerly waiting for his comments about Mr. Wonderful's ethnicity/ culture/ etc. and tons of more assumptions of me being with Mr. Wonderful because [add bazillion stereotypes here], not because I actually love and respect my Man as a person.

Interestingly enough many, if not all of them, men I have been in a relationship with since I broke up with Dan (now isn't that a civilized way to say after our separation and divorce? *g*) have considered me "exotic" because of my fair skin, blue eyes and ethnicity.
And surprisingly it has never bothered me to be the the subject of exotism, as long as it has been positive - but I also know that my looks, exotic or not, hasn't been the main factor of intrest in me, just an added bonus.

Slightly Off-Topic

This all actually reminds me of an interesting visit to hairdresser earlier this month: I was having having my hair cut and chatting with the hairdresser when Mr. Wonderful called me. We happily chatted for a while on the phone and after the call hairdresser's first comment was "Oh, is he ENGLISH?!" with such a tone that you could imagine that she had been about ten years younger and had just been asked out by Brad Pitt or whoever is hot at the moment. A school example of real exotism.
Her tone soon changed after she asked could she see His picture, which I showed because I have His picture as my cell wallpaper and even we had been talking about me and Him before that the topic somehow changed after that... Basically I can't understand why. Maybe she was so awed because of my Wonderful's gorgeousness (I know I would have been, but I guess I am kind of biased).

(If I was mean I would assume it was his ethnicity that made her silent. (For those of you who wonder about the whole ethnicity of an Englishman thing, He is black Brit, whereas people often seem to assume (in these latitudes) that English people are all fair to the level of paleness and no true Englishman/ Finn/ you-name-it can be any darker than piece of A4, regardless the history of the world and people's tendency to immigrate.))

But still, in general I am not saying that there weren't many, many people who simply don't give rat's a** about who someone is involved with and many, many people who don't give that same part of a rodent about someone's origins.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

1998: Giveaway reminder, Very Good Things and stuff

First I would like to remind all my stitchy friends about the AMAZING giveaway here at my little blog.

Very Good Things

As some of you may have noticed I have been celebrating certain event in near future at Facebook and also in form of a little ticker on top of my blog...

We found a way to get reasonably priced tickets for Mr. Wonderful (as for some funny reason tickets are cheaper when purchased from here - of course purchasing them online always helps) and... He is coming home for the holidays!

Though the bad news is that he has to return Spain in January to wait for The Papers. Gah. And from there He travels to Nigeria for a while, luckily His brother arranges the tickets for Him.
Which is good news, and in the end we pay for all the plane tickets (Spain-Finland-Spain, Spain-Nigeria-Spain) 80€ which is very good news. (Rough estimation of the whole cost, had we paid them ourselves, is appr. 1100€ ($1,621)...)

Knowing that He is coming home has made me go ga-ga. Had I the money I would redecorate whole apartment for holidays, but I guess it's lucky that I don't have the money, so I have just bought little things... like gorgeous satin bedsheets.

But I am waiting to cook Him all the Finnish Yule specialties and I guess we will have more food than we need when I am done.

Dear Santa

I have been a good girl (ermm... well, relatively) and all I want for Yule is my Wonderful and this:

All I can say is:

I got curious and just checked that the design, accessory pack and postages would be only 45.5€! I may be tempted... even more if I get more money on 15th than I anticipated (I will get rest of my holiday pay (actually rest of the payment for returning from your yearly holiday - funny term, and thought) in addition to my wage) - but that would mean getting 1300€ (because there are bills to pay and stuff) and I really don't think it will happen (I am paid twice a month, which makes it highly unlikely to get such sum after taxes even though I get rest of my holiday pay).

Spain is not all THAT bad

After everything nasty I may have said or thought about Spanish system I wish to voice out that there is at least one good thing in there (in addition to my Wonderful): money transfers through bank from .es to .fi are much faster than from .fi to .es - though it is also more expensive in there.

Basically money transfers within EU should cost only as much as they would cost within the country of origin because, like people and things, money should be able to move freely within Union area. BUT when I make EU transfer at bank counter it is 30 cents and when the same thing is done in Spain it's 3 € - admittedly it is also faster, though I was just thinking that transfers to Spain may take three days (instead of appr. 1 from there to here) because Spanish banks want to make money with the interest as it is stated that EU transfers can, but should not exceed (otherwise one is applicable for some kind of refund, afaik), take as long as three days.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that local banks wouldn't do the same thing, but obviously they like to play that trick with local transfers: I noticed one day that even my pay came ~00:45 and all the bills which were due that day were taken from my account, but still showed in my "Confirmed Future Payments" until 8 am when bank day started.
And transfers between banks (companies, not locations) take 1-2 days even though the payments could be made instantly with modern technology.
But then, I don't pay much service fees so I don't mind that too much. As long as I get my money.

But, now I have to head to get our satin sheets from the post office. See you later. ^^

Sunday, 6 December 2009

1997: A Happy Dance

Yes, you DID read right! A HD! Ohmigosh etc.!


  • Design: Poinsettia Star
  • Designer: Lady Periphaeria of Periphaeria Designs
  • Fabric: 32 count charcoal grey linen.
There hasn't been too many of these lately...

Thursday, 3 December 2009

1996: Sweet Dreams Cranky Old Lady

Another furry Personality has moved to greener pastures.

Maila, aka. Pimu, aka. Mimmi ?.6.1994 - 3.12.2009
(She was my mom's so I don't know her exact DOB.)

Had she lived over Christmas she had been older than Her Highness was when she was put to sleep. It's suspected that she suffered from the same illness which took Ronja: kidney failure.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

1995: Stitchy Giveaway

I thank those of you who voted and now... it's time to announce a giveaway to celebrate snowprincipessa's 2000th entry!

There is one set of unpublished needleroll and biscornu design by Lady Periphaeria up for grabs. I will keep you in suspense, being the evil person I am, but if you love summer, sun, dragonflies and bees you will love them!

Here is a colour swatch for you....

The spiel is simple: there is one (1) lucky winner (unless I decide to be nice *evil grin*) and all the comments with email address (as I will email the designs) posted to this entry in this particular blog (not to the feeded entry in Facebook)before my 2000th entry apply.

Posters of published comments agree to respect my copyrights of the objects given in this giveaway and will not copy or share the designs involved by any means (except by stitching, of course! ).

So, what are you waiting for? Comment with your email address and you may be the lucky winner! Feel free to also tell about this to your friends!

And now I am off to eat and then trying to finish my mother's holiday gift (which will be a complimentary design, btw.)

Friday, 27 November 2009

1994: Sigh

If Mr. Wonderful can't find less expensive tickets He won't be able to come home for holidays, so prayers, good thoughts, sacrifices and what ever makes you and your possible deity/-ies tick would be much appreciated.

The thing is that His friend would pay the ticket if it would be reasonably priced, but you can all imagine how it is in December... everything is about bazillion euros.

If He can't make it we have to be apart for another 1½ - 2 months... as around January He needs to travel to Nigeria to get His diplomas (He planned to immigrate there some years ago and left His diplomas and other important papers there while visiting relatives) to apply Uni in here to get another Bachelor's degree - and this is another thing for prayers etc. as His brother has promised to try arrange the ticket to Him, if he can and that depends on few other things... (Another logistics nightmare, too, as His brother lives in States.)

Causality seems to be the theme of our lives at the moment. Just can't wait for the chain of causes to get into the point when we are able to continue our every day life together.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

1993: Waiting

It will be a long day: later today we should know is He heading back home before Independence Day or will He stay stuck in Málaga for another X days/ weeks.

This is somehow familiar situation though: last year we didn't saw each other in five months (His long business trip, worldwide financial crisis etc.). But to be honest the situation is much different, after living together like husband and wife for months, sharing our daily lives and quirky habits - and just loving each other more because we have found out that we are both human.

It's funny what you miss when your loved one is away... Like watching all the silliest reality police shows in the middle of the night and Mr. Wonderful reminding that I should actually sleep a bit before waking up for work, caressing my neck to help me fall asleep... or doing the laundry, ironing his clothes just because I know how much he enjoys his clothes looking good - and because the heat from the iron releases his core scent from the fibers, something I just love.

Last year, when He was in the business trip, I slept with the pillows He had slept with on our first date (does week together count as one date or dates from first to seventh?) because it was the only way for me to get any sleep - when I came back from Málaga I didn't wash my shirts in days because they brought comfort in form of His scent.

At the moment I sleep only because I know I have to and only way to actually get anything close to "decent sleep" is to hear His voice.
I knew before He went to Spain that my sleep will be disturbed during His absence, as even when He is at home, but not within three metres from me (luckily it is a rather small flat) when I am sleeping, my sleep becomes erratic.
It's not enough to know He is at home, I need to hear and smell Him, feel His warmth.

He brings me comfort, joy, happiness, love and... health, all the things I have craved for so long. (On the day when our first child will born, G-d willing, He has given me everything, and more than, I could ask for.)

During those months we spent together before his current trip I was only sick once, for five days. (I got on sick leave right after He came here, but that was recurring illness (stubborn sinusitis) and I was already getting ill when He arrived.)

Since He traveled I have been sick... I don't even know how often, I guess it has been closer to one month altogether, maybe even more: I have lost count.


If you understand any Spanish, you will get my point.

"Eres mi medicina, mi antidoto y vitamina/ sin ti soy alma perdida y tus besos/ son mi adrenalina"


Those infamous "They" always say how love is good for you, and I have always agreed. I have also agreed with "Home is where the heart is", as my long-time readers (or those who have had the courage to read my blog through after finding it) know, for the longest time - well, 5½ years, but anyway (surprisingly, it was my blog's 5½th anniversary month before yesterday), but still all this surprises me.

And on the other hand it doesn't... I recall vividly that evening when we were sitting on the sofa, watching clips about Lagos (indeed, Lakes) and Abuja from YouTube (part of Him comes from/ is Nigeria(n) and he wanted to show me around - and we actually enjoy googling for pictures from various African cities, or rather He googles and shows me around as I have never been in Africa and He has been touring it for business and leisure. I dare to say that we both enjoy those little virtual tours (last one lasted for hours and we noticed before midnight that it might be good idea to actually make some dinner at some point as we were both seriously hungry - it just had been so enjoyable to "travel" around)) and all the sudden He just asks "If I move to Nigeria some day, will you follow me?"

I replied without hesitation: "Of course".

And why wouldn't I follow? Home is where the heart is and my home is where He is. These months apart have proved that to be more than true. (I am actually considering finding a reasonable priced Igbo study book from somewhere (read: Amazon)... Not just because the possible move, but for many, many reasons. It would be nice to be able to hold up even a basic conversation in Igbo when ever we visit His relatives there (they speak English, but I am talking about respect here) - and as you know, knowing the language helps to understand the culture and the people.)

But, it's about time for me to head to bed. I have to wake up at 6:30 and head to work. More later.

Thursday, 19 November 2009


I am thankful to have such a level-headed Darling with ability to calm me down with just few words. Sometimes you get the hug you need even when you don't say you need one.

Monday, 16 November 2009

1991: Polls

My dear little blog will soon receive its 2000th entry (I really must love the sound of my own voice *grin*).

I thought it might be nice to have a little giveaway to celebrate the happy occasion and whipped up a little poll regarding the gift.
You have one week to make the difference.

What would, in YOUR opinion, be a good giveaway to celebrate 2000th entry?

  1. Yet unpublished needlework smalls design designed by my dear alter ego, Lady Periphaeria for the lucky winner(s?) of the giveaway drawing.
  2. Stitched item: my design.
  3. Stitched item: generic design.
  4. Small stitchy goodie bag.
  5. Something else stitchy, please elaborate.

Answers to the comment section, thank you. ^^

I'm free! Free!

Of the fever, you see. (In short: saw a doc in Thursday. We agreed that X-ray would be wasting money. She listened my heart (in case of heart issues as I had had some issues that morning (three weeks of bronchodilators can cause stuff... they had, muscle cramps)) and lungs. Checked my stomach for possible gallbladder infection and then wrote five more days off. I was urged to see her today if I still have fever. It vanished on Friday.)

What were you people thinking?

So, back to work on Tuesday. And now I am off to stitch.

I do love the sound of that.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

    Igor(ina): "It's easy to kill thomeone, and almost impossible to bring them back again."

    Polly: "Almost?"

    Igor(ina): "Well, if you don't have a really good lightning rod. And even if you have, they're never quite the same. Cutlery tends to stick to them."

"Monstrous Regiment" by Terry Prachett

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

The Swine Swears It Wasn't Him

The story goes as follows: after six days on sick leave due sinusitis and bronchitis I happily went to work on last Tuesday... I was still on antibiotics.

Note that I was on antibiotics. (Yes, repetitive.)

During those four hours I started to feel sick again and measured my temperature. Turns out I have fever (being on antibiotics it's odd), but as it was only four hour day and I was almost finished anyway I stayed and went to see the doctor the following day (day 1 after antibiotics).

    D: "It's possible that you have a virus which has been supressed by an opportunistic bacteria and now that the bacteria is dying/ had died the virus has better possibility to reproduce and spread around."

    Me: "So, I may have, for example, The Swine Flu?"

    D: "That is very much possible, but I can't say for sure because you simply have fever and muscle weakness."

By the end of the week I had gone through all the non-fatal symptoms of The Flu. On Monday I saw a doc, another doc. After telling him what symptoms I had had we had the following conversation:
    D: "I won't make the test because you have no symptoms of influeza."

    Me: WTF? So, you're basically saying that I have some odd virus which, oddly enough, has all the symptoms of the Flu and is as long lasting?

    D: "... you must have sinusitis."

    Me: Well, I rarely have fever when I have it, I have never been this sick with sinusitis and, the point here is that, my sinuses and face don't hurt."

    D: *echoes my sinuses* "There's nothing here... You should get X-rayed... but I give you three days off, and if you're still sick come back and we X-ray your sinuses."

    Me: *by herself* "Ok..."


© 2006-2008 Hoosier Ag Today

Basically, after being bed-ridden for a week with all the non-fatal symptoms it may be too late to even diagnose the Flu if I have had it because I have an odd feeling of getting better.
I understand that this way the doc thinks he ensures that I get the vaccination (not that I am paranoid or anything ), but... I am highly suspicious about the stuff for various reasons, one of them being my know hypersensitivy to certain medications and tons of other stuff, so I am not too sure do I get it - seasonal one I will take, as usual.

(By the way, when it comes to Neko (Mr. Avatar Kitty) he's enjoying his new life at my sister's (don't ask how he ended there )- he even has a new Lady friend now: Neko & Tellervo.)

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Bits and pieces


I am still alive. Just tired, or bored, or have nothing much to say. Or just plain sick. (I am not going to get started, but: sinusitis and bronchitis, simultaneously... during pre-asthma life I never had sinusitis and only had had one bronchitis within my life... ah well.)


I have recently realised that I have never stayed in one job as long as I have been in this one - truth to be told, I haven't been working much for various reasons.


I happened to catch Wolfie online the other day and I have to say that certain things tend to amaze me: like the things I learn about him regarding me - or rather confirm. Which as such does not actually surprise me, but it's freaky to be right all the time. If I weren't me I would be afraid of myself.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Clips of interest :)

"Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story"

And all the enthusiasts can relate to this...

Thursday, 1 October 2009

On left index finger

Let's just say that it's surprisingly annoying and difficult to try and use computer with one hand....

Friday, 25 September 2009

The Spanish Sampler aka "Where the time went?!"

Spanish Sampler Colour Finished -© Periphaeria Designs, uploaded with blessing of the copyright holder.
© Periphaeria Designs

Here it is (and also available for download for next two month at the usual place) in all its gorgeousness (even I say so myself as the designer). Funnily enough I feel like the project started last week and not 20 months ago!
Now I only need time to finish both versions of it and then get the thing on sale... anyone knows where they sell time turners (the kind Hermione had in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban")?

Since then I have met my Wonderful, since then I found a steady job (two weeks from now I have my anniversary there o.O) and since then Mr. Wonderful moved to Finland after me (and that's not all my dear readers, but more about the rest later ).
Life has been busy, and there hasn't been enough time to stitch or do anything actually, but I hope that some of these days I get my rhythm in order and have energy again.

One of the things keeping me away from everything has been odd exhaustion, but I have found the reason for it: doctor and I agreed today that I really do have sinusitis and I am on antibiotics again... (But on a brighter note: I am not on sick leave i.e. I am not feeling sick nor have fever (my boss will be happy *grin*).)

Mr. Wonderful and The Deadly Spanish Bureaucracy

Yes, my knight in His shining armour is still in Spain fighting against the ugly monster called Spanish Bureaucracy. (Sonnenschein always told me how insane their bureacracy is, but now I really get it... Sorry if I ever doubted you. )

As I am used to Finnish bureacracy which is insane, but at least quite fast - usually - Spanish one really makes me fume, but Lady has to be patient even she would love to go and kick their bureacratic behinds to make it faster.

But, my throat hurts so I guess it's time for some medication... like cranberry- caramel ice cream, for instance.


I got my copy of The Best of Teresa Wentzler Sampler Collection today!

(And to make the day perfect Mr. Wonderful called. ^^)

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Cute as a button

Now I really know what that phrase means, look at these! (How can I even think of using those?!)

No, I haven't been shopping, at least not at ABC Stitch Therapy's Clearance bin... (Where the buttons and fabrics obviously aren't from... )

Nor at 1-2-3 Stitch!'s Clearance bin (and the regular selection where Christmas Sampler obviously isn't from )...

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

This is a confession

I just bought "The Best of Teresa Wentzler Sampler Collection" from eBay! (Though I have to pay it on 15th to get it...)

... Regardless the fact that I actually have about half of the designs as single patterns. Addiction *is* an addiction.

And OOP design is an OOP design and as every stitcher knows OOP is always a valid excuse reason to buy things.

Friday, 4 September 2009

Looking for "King Above"and "Stitcher's World" September 1995 issue. Also incl. new stash

I was piling my stacked away charts and magazines into keep/ don't keep piles and while I was browsing one of the magazines I found a design I want! (You know how it goes...)

The design in question should have been in "The Stitchery Magazine"'s August 1998 issue and is called "King Above (picture here).

While doing that I also noticed that there is one design in Stitcher's World Sept. 1995 issue and couldn't find it from eBay, so in case you have that particular issue or you see it somewhere I am here wanting to buy/ exchange it.

New stash

Honestly it just came out of the blue...

I had placed an order at Crafter's Market few weeks ago and had actually forgot the whole thing before my lovelies arrived yesterday:

Shepherding Companions - Share on Ovi

The best bit in this is, IMHO, that Once Upon A Time... was only $2.49 (~1,75€) whereas it seems to be anything from $7 to $21.20 everywhere else.

And my excuse this time is that all this stash shopping has been good for my mojo! I started my day by cataloging(sp?) my book/ booklet/ pattern stash (got about 40% done) and after that I have been *gasp* stitching my own *gasp* design.

Off to stitch some more!

Monday, 31 August 2009

Myself, He, Must-Haves, new stash etc.

I was playing with my cell phone's camera today when on my way to work...

Not too bad noticing that it is edited with my cell phone's image editor.

An apartment is not a home without him

I took some stuff home yesterday (I have been at my mom's since Mr. Wonderful traveled: first watching cats and after she returned I just haven't had any days off i.e. no time to transfer all my stuff from A to B) and it really hit me how much I miss him. Everything at home reminds me of him and even all his things make me smile it hurts to miss him as much as I do - though on the positive side every day is one day closer to his return.
It will be difficult to be at home without him there: though I can avoid that quite well by working insanely and on 10th we head to our mother's cabin to celebrate our 90th - having some company will be good for me - and we won't return before 14th. Hopefully He is coming back around that time, finally (as it is taking longer than anticipated for him to get the documents etc., but August has been holiday season in Spain), as honestly speaking I feel lost without him by my side.

At least now I know that what I always say to him is true: he usually asks how my day has been when I come home from work and I reply "it's great now as I am at home with you". Now my days are incomplete as I can't kiss him when I come home, sleep with him or wake up beside him.


[Insert drool here]

I have a bad habit to check new additions at 1-2-3 Stitch! every now and then and I must say that the latest new additions are just so... on my wish list!

Check yourself:


Saturday, 29 August 2009

When you come to think of it...

... I just realised that our "Three Dates Rule" was a bit different: on our third dates we became a common law couple.

Interesting thing, really.

(Our first date was that week in last August, second was when I went to Málaga and when we met for the third time Mr. Wonderful came here to stay.)

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Head, say "Hi" to a wall

I have been fighting last days with my laptop: Windows went nuts, or rather it just didn't want to start anymore other than in repair mode and my only option seemed to be to recover the factory settings.
I could have stand that, noticing that the system gave me an option to make a backup of the files before recovering factory settings... if it just had done that.

When I had recovered the backup I found out that the backup was only partial and that it had missed just the most important folder: my sketches! (Or it seems to be so, I just hope it really is the only folder as I have been working, working, and workin so I haven't had much time to check in addition of fighting with this d***ed thing...)

Thank G-d I had backupped my sketches folder only few days earlier and that I had made an imported preview of the only bigger design I had been sketching after that (so, basically I just lost two biscorni and some variations of the bigger thing so not as bad as it could have been) which the backup utility was able to save.

Funny thing? After googling I came to realise that it was not Windows as such that blew it up, but bugs in HP's backup and recovery utilities... What fun!

And now I just need to find a way to get all the data off from the hard drive as it seems to me that all the data is on the hard drive, I just can't get it out from there because it's hiding "under" this version...

Yes, I AM annoyed (still, it could have been worse).

Thursday, 20 August 2009

I need some sleep...

Since Mr. Wonderful traveled the quality of my sleep has been disgraceful. I do sleep normally, but I wake up several times every night and even when I sleep it is apparently "dog sleep" (Finns call it that) and therefore I am getting exhausted as I have got used to sleeping well during last five months (He just happens to be a great sleeping draught)... And yesterday that lack of decent sleep struck me in form of a Migraine of The Millennia: my head hurt like h**l, I was tired, nauseated and... everything I ate or drank came out within fifteen minutes. Sometimes my body seemed to make me vomit out of having fun. Basically my day contained sleeping, vomiting, sleeping and some more vomiting... Luckily Mr. Wonderful sent me sweet text messages so it wasn't as bad as it could have been (being called precious pearl and gem kind of makes you feel good no matter how bad you are feeling ).

Today I still feel nauseated and my head hurts and I have a feeling that I may actually have to go to see a doctor tomorrow and try to get 2-3 days of sick leave just to recuperate from yesterday as I have never ever had migraine even close to this and I don't think it would be smart move to go to work when I am still having the migraine in form or another.

Talking of colours...

Remember what I said about colours? "In The Arms of an Angel" by Lavender and Lace is a great example about this phenomena: I simply love the colours in this design (though whenever I stitch this it is very likely that I will convert the skin tone and hair of the angel - or at least of the child - into more mixed) and I must get it! (My wish list at 1-2-3 Stitch! is getting really long, one day I will crash their server with it... )

Some sweet stash...

I actually think that I may already have that seasonal santa, but there's always way to get rid of it in case I do (I'm planning to gather all my excess stash, create an album to my Ovi account and sell them - but that is within next five years or so *grin*).