As you know, I like to change the colour scheme of my blog and as you may have noticed by now I did it again.
This time the colours are picked from my current default avatar which I found somewhere from the 'net while I was looking for angel avatars.

"Why angels?" you may ask. The reason is simple: Mr. Wonderful calls me Angel, has called me almost since we met (last month), that is even before we met in real life (what surprises me is that he still thinks so *grin*).
Yes, you calculated correctly, we had knew exactly one month in the day when he arrived. That means that he booked the ticket about 1½ weeks after we got to know each other. 
Though it seems to me that we are kind of fast in everything: we started to think about who relocates and where when he was here - and we have continued that discussion during this week. We have even had a business plan conversation as if he moves here starting a business is his best bet to find employment (1. he doesn't speak Finnish, yet, and 2. Finnish employers are known to have certain prejudice towards people of non-Caucasian heritage) for himself.
Life has been kind of slow since he left, and I realized today that it has been only 1½ weeks even for me it feels like three months already.
I wish he was here, and so does he, so life is good. ^^
And I am still waiting to hear from the company. The agency has sent my info to them last week, but they haven't heard anything either.
But, we signed contract in Friday so I can do some emergency jobs for them. Nevertheless, I need to apply for welfare again because of the company as I won't get paid before end of this month in any case.
This is very annoying situation to put it midly.