Thursday, 29 July 2010

V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N! and... Stashy mail, part II

Actually my first ever full length summer vacation starts on Monday, but I took asked for few days off before it and therefore I am off starting from today until 29th of August!

Maybe I actually have some time to stitch during this month. *grin*

Stash p0rn

I have got some lovely mail from States during this week, one of my 1-2-3 Stitch! orders and one Clearance haul from Stitching Bits & Bobs (Good G-d, they have summer sale! Must control myself (vacation compensation is paid tomorrow and we are planning to buy some furniture with some of it (and after Augusth 15th's payday my next pay will come in the end of September) so I must be good..)! O.o).

Pretty pictures under the LJ cut:

I bought To Get To Heaven just because I found it cute, though if I start to think about the etymology any deeper it becomes kind of disturbing... still, I don't think it any deeper, hence it is cute.
Though the chart, even being made in 2007, is dreadfully small print and the symbols are much too alike to my liking so in future I have to avoid the charts made by this designer unless they are *must* haves - unless someone tells me this one is an exception.

My brain is asleep (didn't take my thyroxine in the evening, long story, and then took whole 125µg when I woke up... my body doesn't like it as such high doses, even less just after waking up, at least not yet) so... until next entry: behave!

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