Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Hypothyroidism: Never a dull moment

I am beginning to feel entertained by this.

Day before yesterday, after poorly slept night (which is a big no-no), I headed to the laboratory and gave some blood for science because I wanted the realistic result, not the post-vacation one, even though I should have got the bloodwork done later.

Rebellious, aren't I?

Well, I got the results and the reference between these and the previous tests is not the same so comparing them is a bit more complicated - add to that that sleeping poorly keeps your TSH levels down so basically I can add anything from zero to 1,5 mU/l to the result. Which basically means that my TSH levels have actually risen after the medication.
But so have my thyroxine levels, though just slightly.

The fun part is that this could mean that I have central hypothyroidism or autoimmune or both or something else.

Regardless, my real thyroid is a mess and that little glass jar (also know as my glass thyroid) in the kitchen cupboard is my saviour.
And my dosage will be upped. Probably quite a bit.

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