Monday, 31 August 2009

Myself, He, Must-Haves, new stash etc.

I was playing with my cell phone's camera today when on my way to work...

Not too bad noticing that it is edited with my cell phone's image editor.

An apartment is not a home without him

I took some stuff home yesterday (I have been at my mom's since Mr. Wonderful traveled: first watching cats and after she returned I just haven't had any days off i.e. no time to transfer all my stuff from A to B) and it really hit me how much I miss him. Everything at home reminds me of him and even all his things make me smile it hurts to miss him as much as I do - though on the positive side every day is one day closer to his return.
It will be difficult to be at home without him there: though I can avoid that quite well by working insanely and on 10th we head to our mother's cabin to celebrate our 90th - having some company will be good for me - and we won't return before 14th. Hopefully He is coming back around that time, finally (as it is taking longer than anticipated for him to get the documents etc., but August has been holiday season in Spain), as honestly speaking I feel lost without him by my side.

At least now I know that what I always say to him is true: he usually asks how my day has been when I come home from work and I reply "it's great now as I am at home with you". Now my days are incomplete as I can't kiss him when I come home, sleep with him or wake up beside him.


[Insert drool here]

I have a bad habit to check new additions at 1-2-3 Stitch! every now and then and I must say that the latest new additions are just so... on my wish list!

Check yourself:


Saturday, 29 August 2009

When you come to think of it...

... I just realised that our "Three Dates Rule" was a bit different: on our third dates we became a common law couple.

Interesting thing, really.

(Our first date was that week in last August, second was when I went to Málaga and when we met for the third time Mr. Wonderful came here to stay.)

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Head, say "Hi" to a wall

I have been fighting last days with my laptop: Windows went nuts, or rather it just didn't want to start anymore other than in repair mode and my only option seemed to be to recover the factory settings.
I could have stand that, noticing that the system gave me an option to make a backup of the files before recovering factory settings... if it just had done that.

When I had recovered the backup I found out that the backup was only partial and that it had missed just the most important folder: my sketches! (Or it seems to be so, I just hope it really is the only folder as I have been working, working, and workin so I haven't had much time to check in addition of fighting with this d***ed thing...)

Thank G-d I had backupped my sketches folder only few days earlier and that I had made an imported preview of the only bigger design I had been sketching after that (so, basically I just lost two biscorni and some variations of the bigger thing so not as bad as it could have been) which the backup utility was able to save.

Funny thing? After googling I came to realise that it was not Windows as such that blew it up, but bugs in HP's backup and recovery utilities... What fun!

And now I just need to find a way to get all the data off from the hard drive as it seems to me that all the data is on the hard drive, I just can't get it out from there because it's hiding "under" this version...

Yes, I AM annoyed (still, it could have been worse).

Thursday, 20 August 2009

I need some sleep...

Since Mr. Wonderful traveled the quality of my sleep has been disgraceful. I do sleep normally, but I wake up several times every night and even when I sleep it is apparently "dog sleep" (Finns call it that) and therefore I am getting exhausted as I have got used to sleeping well during last five months (He just happens to be a great sleeping draught)... And yesterday that lack of decent sleep struck me in form of a Migraine of The Millennia: my head hurt like h**l, I was tired, nauseated and... everything I ate or drank came out within fifteen minutes. Sometimes my body seemed to make me vomit out of having fun. Basically my day contained sleeping, vomiting, sleeping and some more vomiting... Luckily Mr. Wonderful sent me sweet text messages so it wasn't as bad as it could have been (being called precious pearl and gem kind of makes you feel good no matter how bad you are feeling ).

Today I still feel nauseated and my head hurts and I have a feeling that I may actually have to go to see a doctor tomorrow and try to get 2-3 days of sick leave just to recuperate from yesterday as I have never ever had migraine even close to this and I don't think it would be smart move to go to work when I am still having the migraine in form or another.

Talking of colours...

Remember what I said about colours? "In The Arms of an Angel" by Lavender and Lace is a great example about this phenomena: I simply love the colours in this design (though whenever I stitch this it is very likely that I will convert the skin tone and hair of the angel - or at least of the child - into more mixed) and I must get it! (My wish list at 1-2-3 Stitch! is getting really long, one day I will crash their server with it... )

Some sweet stash...

I actually think that I may already have that seasonal santa, but there's always way to get rid of it in case I do (I'm planning to gather all my excess stash, create an album to my Ovi account and sell them - but that is within next five years or so *grin*).

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Let's see...

Year ago yesterday we met for the first time, in flesh that is, as we had been exchanging emails for one month and calling to each other (or rather he had been calling me most of the time) about the same time (he was gentleman and waited until I felt comfortable giving my number, which was, even I don't know does he know, one of the positive traits in him during the getting-to-know-you process - I am shy, even no one ever believes it). I remember how excited I got when I heard that he had booked the plane tickets to visit me (only about  1½ weeks after I sent my first, response, email to him) and how slowly time passed after that.

I still remember how handsome he looked when he walked out of the baggage claim (but honestly he has only got more handsome since, I don't know how he does it), how good he smelled when we hugged, what he wore (that sky blue T-shirt just looked so good on him) and how much I wanted to touch him when we were standing in the cafeteria line at the airport before heading to, then, my place. I still remember how beautiful his smile looked and how good it felt to sit next to him, holding his hand when we sat in the taxi on our way to my place.
Little did we know that year later we would already be living together, that we had lived as man and wife for five months already. (Little did we know that we wouldn't be spending our first anniversary together, but separated by Europe - which isn't that bad as we have modern tools of communication and he is coming back home as soon as he can.)

It has been a wonderful year with my Darling Wonderful and he is a real blessing in my life. And it makes me wonder how suitable nicknames you can invent for someone you have never met and whom you only have knew few days: as Mr. Wonderful is his first nickname (which has been followed by variations of Dear) and I still do call him that, for a reason - and my intention is to call him by that name for decades to come.

(AnneR., who knows. )

Interestingly enough I realised yesterday that last, and excluding this one, only, one year anniversary I have had with someone was almost ten years ago. So, even I am commitment kind of person I haven't had long relationships (though, what does it tell? Just that I don't stay in a relationship because I "have to", I stay because I want to and because it works.)

And I have become a firm believer of online dating sites: at least one of them worked, once - and that is enough for me (funnily enough it was one which allows freeriders to contact others, too).
Apparently what they say is true: you just need to kiss enough frogs to find your prince, in our case King.

Things to get (now I only need 72 hours for a day)!

Graphs by Barbara & Cheryl - these are mostly simply awesome and there is one design I have adored in fellow stitcher's gallery, but they didn't tell me the designer or the name of the design: Jacque's View (it looks ten times better stitched).

Now we just need to win the lottery - or Mr. Wonderful has to find a very well paid job.

Ok, I am just kidding. No matter what I will continue working until we have our first child (G-d willing, knowing my health issues (prayers regarding children are welcomed - if you believe in them)).

When it comes to spirituality...

It's interesting to notice the change in me: I have and am getting more spiritual (I wouldn't say religious as I am not member of any organized religion) since Mr. Wonderful came into my life. Or maybe it's just that despite the difference in our belief bases (basically the main difference is that he considers Jesus as Messiah whereas I don't) his love for G-d is contagious, or rather helps my hidden religious side to come out because the atmosphere is accepting.

Basically that difference isn't visible in our daily life as we both avoid pork, we both avoid blood, we don't use intoxicating substances in excess (actually I am becoming an absolutist with my current interest towards alcoholic beverages), we don't believe in birth control in committed relationship (yup, kids would be very welcomed ) etc..
The visible difference comes from our backgrounds: he comes from family where G-d was part of their daily life, I come from agnostic family and I was already in schoool when I realised that religions do exist.

He has really changed my life in so many ways, but then, I got what I was praying for:  a good man to share my life and have family with, and eventually, in July 2008, he sent me a message and the rest is history.

Do I sound sappy? Good, I feel like it.

I intended to share some lovely stash in this entry, but I guess I have to do it later as I should head to bed.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

To shop or not to shop?, WIP and All Things Pink

(No, you haven't lost your eyesight: my blog is PINK!)
I do have certain amount of guilty conscience because of my stash shopping lately, though I try to convince myself that I have been good last 5-6 months - and then I know that there probably isn't any money for it in coming weeks/months.
Mr. Wonderful went to Spain to get certain documents (which he can't get through the embassy, for whatever odd reason) we will be needing soon and he just found out that what he thought to be expense of couple of tens of euros at most costs 267€ (add plane tickets, accommodation, general expenses etc. to that..).

Well, these are really one-time expenses, but big when you least expect them, even more when you have a small income and bills to pay.

Regardless, just to shock you...


I am stitching this to my mother as a surprise so it should be done and framed when she comes back from her cabin.

I am stitching this on white fabric, regardless the nice pink tone the fabric has in the picture...


I know, I know, but lately I have noticed a rather interesting phenomenon in my way of interpreting colours: all the sudden all kind of candy and yucky colours have become very pleasant to my eyes... canary yellow, turquoise, bright pale blue, pink, young grass green... you name it.
I still enjoy my old favourites, those dark and vibrant ones, and on the same time I my dislike towards muted, "dirty" colours has increased.

I guess it is a mental thing (I am mental, yes ) and I guess Mr. Wonderful is causing it.

I am not complaining, I just find it interesting.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Small pleasures come in small envelopes across a big ocean

Yes, I know I am an addict, but aren't they pretty?

The design was on clearance so I saved money... really... I did...

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Winds of change

I have been thinking of changing the colour scheme of my blog again (it has been quite a while since I did it last), but I can't come up with any good ideas...
Or maybe I change the theme altogether (I just need to take a copy of all the sidebar stuff) as since the last makeover life has changed more than I could have imagined (or than most of my regular readers (in case I still have any, I don't know, it has been quiet here) can imagine) - even though Mr. Wonderful was already in my life when I changed the colours.
(Life happens, and I am annoyingly secretive, yes? )
Talking of life happening I could say that time has been running like a sprinter: next Friday is our first official anniversary (our six month anniversary was on Valentine's Day) even it feels that August 2008 was ony yesterday, or last week.

Anyway, blog colour scheme etc. suggestions are welcomed.

Saturday, 8 August 2009

I was BAD....

As I haven't been able to sleep too well I am not too fond of getting to bed, even I know that I should as I should wake up about six hours from now and go to work... Therefore I was escaping reality at 1-2-3 Stitch! and creating a mile, or thousand, long wishlist for myself (it can be found using snowprincipessa at gmail dot com) when I accidentally (I know what you are thinking...) checked their Clearance bin and what did I find?..

Things I just HAD to have! (You know the drill.)

And now some midnight snack and off to bed I go.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Dear Santa...

I am bored because Mr. Wonderful is out of country (last night that five hours I was awake after we parted was the longest five hours ever), I happened to see 1-2-3 Stitch!'s New Pattern announcement at Facebook and I have a day off so what I could do apart from window shopping?

Yes another mile long list...

On stitching front...

Shock and awe, but I may actually be able to provide a WIP picture of "Internet In Heaven" later today.