Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Stitched Mail Art Contest!

Good news folks! Violarium organizes a stitched mail art competition, which is open to everyone!

Here are the basics, you can find more information from here:

Envelopes must be made of fabric designed for cross stitching - that is linen, evenweave, aida or similar. Other fabrics (like cotton fabrics) may be used only to embellish or line the envelope. All kinds of embroidery stitches may be used to decorate, but most of them must be cross stitches. The address may be cross stitched or back stitched or embroided with other stitches. Also different embellishments (buttons etc.) may be added.

Please write your name, postal address and e-mail address (or phone number) in a piece of paper and put it inside the envelope. Make sure that the envelope is closed well, you can secure it by small stitches for example.

You may participate with one or several envelopes. There's no fixed theme, therefore you may stitch on the envelope any motifs you like.

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Envelopes arriving to Violarium by March 29th participate in both categories. Envelopes arriving to Violarium after March 29th, but by April 14th participate in public voting. The winners of both categories will be announced on April 28th, 2009.

The best bit is that you can win by stitching and voting so check for the details from above link.

(By the way, I am one of the judges.  )

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