Thursday, 12 February 2009

Still alive

As you may have guessed I have spent my days lately by working and sleeping and sleeping and working. And haven't got much stitching done, less surprisingly.
To make it much more depressing I hadn't realised that tomorrow's pay is still affected by my long leave so I won't get much which means that I don't have enough money to pay my rent, which is already late. So, either someone borrows me loads of money or I have to beg my landlord for a delay until 27th, when I will get huge wage (92 hours/ 2 weeks plus evening pay plus saturday evening pay plus overtime).
Maybe not huge, but around that sum I have gotten used to get, which would be enough to pay rent and bills etc..

But on the good news I heard ages ago that Linda has received my little pat on the back: it took less than two whole days to travel from here to there (of course it was insured!) so everyone is happy (Linda has already started her Noah's Ark kit and I am eagerly waiting for images ).

Mr. Wonderful still thinks that I am amazing (and that I will make a good wife when that time comes (no, we are not engaged or anything, but I think that reveals quite much about his intentions),  and we actually have our six months anniversary in Saturday.
No official celebration as I am at work and he's not here anyway. Bummer.

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