Tuesday, 24 February 2009

I am SO ready for summer...

I have been sick since last week and today I got five more days of sick leave and a course of antibiotics: I have sinusitis. (And now it occurred to me that last weekend was SAT weekend and I, once again, forgot to send the reminder... my excuse is hat my head is full of nasty stuff instead of brains.)

To make it clear: I am *SO* fed up of being sick all the time!
Though Mr. Wonderful has been a darl: even though he is very short of cash at the moment he has called me twice within few days (we don't call each other that often as it's costly (as we both have cells)), and he called me today just to check that I am ok (and of course say Those Important Words) and I got the sweetest email from him shortly after that.

Regardless, I head under my queen size blanket now and doze off while watching stupid shows from telly.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Still alive

As you may have guessed I have spent my days lately by working and sleeping and sleeping and working. And haven't got much stitching done, less surprisingly.
To make it much more depressing I hadn't realised that tomorrow's pay is still affected by my long leave so I won't get much which means that I don't have enough money to pay my rent, which is already late. So, either someone borrows me loads of money or I have to beg my landlord for a delay until 27th, when I will get huge wage (92 hours/ 2 weeks plus evening pay plus saturday evening pay plus overtime).
Maybe not huge, but around that sum I have gotten used to get, which would be enough to pay rent and bills etc..

But on the good news I heard ages ago that Linda has received my little pat on the back: it took less than two whole days to travel from here to there (of course it was insured!) so everyone is happy (Linda has already started her Noah's Ark kit and I am eagerly waiting for images ).

Mr. Wonderful still thinks that I am amazing (and that I will make a good wife when that time comes (no, we are not engaged or anything, but I think that reveals quite much about his intentions),  and we actually have our six months anniversary in Saturday.
No official celebration as I am at work and he's not here anyway. Bummer.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Ranting some more

Last Saturday I got an SMS from my mother when I was getting home from work: "The kids left home last night with police. $BOYFRIEND was locked up."

At the moment the kids are, as far as I know, with their mother's parents (who may not be the best choice even though probably safer than ex-sil)... and apparently local social workers still seem to think there's nothing alarming happening... If this happened in any other city in this country the kids would be living with their father by now.

It's rather suprising that $HILLBILLYVILLE's children's social services think that they can continue like that for very long as social workers from two other cities have voiced their concern about the incompetence of $HILLBILLYVILLE's social workers.

That is one odd city... I just hope that something good starts happening very soon in there and the kids get their lives back in track.

Stitched Mail Art Contest!

Good news folks! Violarium organizes a stitched mail art competition, which is open to everyone!

Here are the basics, you can find more information from here:

Envelopes must be made of fabric designed for cross stitching - that is linen, evenweave, aida or similar. Other fabrics (like cotton fabrics) may be used only to embellish or line the envelope. All kinds of embroidery stitches may be used to decorate, but most of them must be cross stitches. The address may be cross stitched or back stitched or embroided with other stitches. Also different embellishments (buttons etc.) may be added.

Please write your name, postal address and e-mail address (or phone number) in a piece of paper and put it inside the envelope. Make sure that the envelope is closed well, you can secure it by small stitches for example.

You may participate with one or several envelopes. There's no fixed theme, therefore you may stitch on the envelope any motifs you like.

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Envelopes arriving to Violarium by March 29th participate in both categories. Envelopes arriving to Violarium after March 29th, but by April 14th participate in public voting. The winners of both categories will be announced on April 28th, 2009.

The best bit is that you can win by stitching and voting so check for the details from above link.

(By the way, I am one of the judges.  )